
Yep - but not because of being difficult to use.

which was clearly supposed to be funny

It’s fucking simple to use.

Boy, I’d bet you would be outraged to know Chrysler had an automatic which you selected gears via pushbuttons almost 70 years ago.

Which is hilarious, because by their own logic, gas prices were higher while Bush was in office, so...

I think they might be around $500 - the Summit intakes (at least for an SBC) are something like $125, and the Summit carbs (which tested...really well on an Engine Masters episode) aren’t too least compared to other entry-level carbs.

Just confirmed: right around $600 for the combo: intake, carb,

I would have had trouble not replacing that intake manifold with an aluminum one and moving up to a 4-barrel while both were off the engine (more than likely making matters more complicated, because that’s fun).

Nah, tripping over shit is a blast!

This is is missing the whole “fire” element.

Ah, it’s so perfectly Italian.

Mine aren’t even necessarily a pain in the ass...I just don’t want to do anything, because I’m lazy.

-81 Z28:
1) Replace Body Bushings (and install Subframe Connectors - though I will have a friend of mine weld those in, but they go above the rear bushing). The current (original) bushings look like pancake and are

If you have a Ford Modular engine (4.6/5.4L V8, 6.8L V10), sometimes the engine will do the removing for you!

I just can’t imagine a manufacturer adding in (giving away) all these features to a car that they might not get paid back for...

I liked LiS2, but’re pretty much screwed no matter what ending you “choose” - and the “best” ending might be the most unfair of all.

And Square Enix is bringing Croft Manor to Fornite on March 23 to celebrate.

It looks cool, even despite its crossover styling and gimmicky segment name.

Things your warranty does not cover: this.

Yep - I’ve used the same recipe for years. It is the same recipe my dad used to cook for years prior to me moving in with my now-wife and there was a one year overlap (he passed away later that year) where we both did one and constantly were comparing throughout the whole day.

I’m not sure I do - the first PC that I started using around the age of 3 was my mom’s Sunbeam 486 (I think it was a may have been a 286) and it ran DOS. I had games for it, and my mom had bought me a mouse (that literally looked like a mouse) for use in those games.

I wouldn’t say it’s’s just old and I am lazy. Body bushings aren’t usually the most enjoyable to replace.

Vector Motors, then under control of Megatech, pumped out the M12.