
Nah, it doesn’t say “Jeep”.

Turning on the generator in the old bunker, and the resulting onslaught of those awful things was absolutely terrible, especially given how generous the game was with checkpoints...and then suddenly it wasn’t? It really pissed me off.

That’s good to hear - I think I stopped playing last night around 17% into the game, and it did seem a whole lot more cohesive, though it also seemed to assume you played the first game, and threw you into a pretty hefty (and long) battle in the jungle camp quite early on.

Wait, Uncharted had auto-aim? I didn’t see it in the settings. Being on a console, I’d definitely have no issue enabling some aim assistance - I enable partial assistance on the Assassin’s Creed games (I think it mainly follows a target you’ve already aimed - something I can easily do on PC, but not on a console).

Uncharted 2, from the Nathan Drake Collection.

Yup - didn’t experience anything, though, even while walking around the upper floor, away from the restaurant portion.

This is going to sound so much better than that EcoBoost Ford truck.


I mean, your driveway looks pretty tidy now, and there is a space or two (everything is still there, don’t worry) to park something like this.

It doesn’t say Jeep, but neither does the Mustang in the garage.

Do you think you could make better use of an aborted nuclear power facility that doesn’t have any of that pesky radiation to worry about?

Ah yes, but will it run Crysis on Max?

I literally could eat an entire bag of the stuff. But I don’t, because I forget we have it, and by then, it’s harder than a rock.

God, I loved this game as a kid (though I was not the best at it - had to have my (20-year older) brother do the boss battles for me, as the SNES and the game were his originally. He gave them to me when he got the first Playstation). I really would love to see the entire game remastered.

It’s kind of funny. I assume most people bought an F-Pace instead.

We just use the oven and that works fine.

That’s how I do it. If it’s important (and real), they’ll leave a voicemail. If not, then clearly it’s not worth my time to return the phone call.

My OXO 9-Cup coffee maker is the sense that it has a microprocessor to help it make extremely good coffee...but it is not something that connects to WiFi...because why would it?

He won’t. He’s allowed to use the benefits because it now affects him and he is a faultless victim. But nobody else can use them, because it’s entirely their fault.

My Cavalier once started doing this on its own - on the freeway - during a downpour.