
Sure sounds like restaurant employees need body cams now - to record each and every one of these assholes, and then upload them onto the interwebs.

Good information! My state rep filed a report a month ago and has added me to the list of outstanding cases, in an attempt to expedite support, but it’s pretty obvious the office doesn’t seem concerned about contacting me.

I’ve always had a huge soft spot for the Corvair - almost bought one probably 10 years ago...I think it was a ‘63, two-owner car for $3300. Minimal rust (in SE Michigan, so I do mean minimal - at least from what I remember being able to see), pretty clean off-white paint...would have been cool. But alas, I was in

They should, yeah - once I go back to work (if), it’ll just mean those weeks can’t be claimed, nor any ones that follow, but the ones that I technically already qualified for should get paid out.

I think we all knew the Journey was on the way out when they killed the V6/6AT powertrain last year, leaving only the horrific Tigershart and four-speed automatic.

This would be ideal, as I don’t expect to be going back to work (if I do at all) until August at the earliest.

Quite the enjoyable episode...but I have to nitpick:

Clark Gregg had way too much fun with that one.

Because charging people for Apple CarPlay went over so well, let’s make it ten times worse!

Duct tape.

Who downloads this garbage in the first place?

I’ll just turn my volume up. 

Did it really need to be remastered? I finally got around to playing Crysis for the first time a couple years back, and while my computer had no trouble playing it maxxed out, it still was absolutely beautiful.

It’s in extremely good condition, and third gens are starting to increase in value quite a bit...

Doesn’t stop these pandemic-deniers/ignorers (you know, the ones who downplayed it at the start, and just pretended it went away more recently) from sharing things saying they did. Sigh.

Gorgeous? I didn’t see anything fitting that word in this post.

What the shit is that.

...does an M90 fit under the hood?


We switched to one a year or two ago, and have been very happy that we did.