Mr. Moxwell

He (and the Twelfth Doctor) have inspired me in ways I don’t think I’ve even realized yet.

Off topic, but Capaldi will be missed. That man knows how to fucking monologue.

I would argue that the existence of the Kardashians in this realm is proof that we’re already there.

Eh. There are tons of out of box solutions. Institutional bias and human nature prevent them from ever being implemented.

Let’s not forget during the Johnny Depp event, Gilliam was one of the few that defended him.

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

- this insane gremlins poster has 84 different references on it—can you guess them all?

Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

Please, if it bothers you that men are being excluded, start a hashtag and a movement of your own. Speak up for those men.

Your response ignores the women who have been harassed.

I genuinely just don’t get the obsession with this show or what warrants it getting almost daily articles on here, especially considering the many genre shows that aren’t covered.

I wish this punch was with a handbag....

That’s a little disappointing.

It’s showtime.

This isn’t nuts, it’s terrifying. These people are sheep, devoted to the ravings of a madman and incapable of contradictory thought. Holy fucking shit are we fucked.

Former veterinary nurse, zoo intern, now Biologist (Master’s Degree) here. The only wild animal that belongs in captivity is the nonreleaseable critter unable to survive on its own due to injury or illness. Many zoos and aquariums are switching over. Captive breeeding and reintroduction, even when it’s not a scam,