Mr. Moxwell

$5 says he’s ‘pro-life’ too.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

This guy was very casual about posting this kind of stuff and these people worked together everyday. This guy was the assistant chief, sorry but there is no way the chief, and probably lots of other officers, didn’t know this dude was a crazy racist and they were all OK with it enough to not do shit until the public

Even the military can legally defy orders they believe to be illegal and take the matter to court, at the very least tying it up in litigation until post- Trump.

“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”

We’re now in a situation where the heads of the US Armed Forces, traditionally some of the most stubborn socially conservative people on the planet, are more tolerant than the President.

The enitre U.S. infrastructure needs a moonshot overhaul or we will be in very deep shit from global warming in less than 20 years.

lovely automobile. but, yes, subway technology dates from the same time period.

Yeah. How efficient can you make a tornado?

FDR’s Packard. Very nice car and in some ways about the level of technology millions of people rely on every day to get to work

It’s almost like Cuomo doesn’t actually give a shit about the MTA.

The song doesn’t equal child pornography. It doesn’t encourage CP. The artist is dead. How does this trailer reach the level of “repugnant”?


I’d be on board with the Shazam / WW pairing if, ya know, Shazam wasn’t actually a ten year old kid in a man’s body...

Metahuman? I never even knew ‘em!

I never metahuman I didn’t like.

Pickle, Trump is very sensitive about the size of the white hose. Best not ask about it.