Mr. Moxwell

Because John McCain expressing a modicum of human decency is not applause-worthy after other representatives have rejected this malicious, POS bill from the beginning?

Wresting is a good metaphor for this bullshit bit of theater. McCain could have effectively done exactly what he did last night on Tuesday afternoon, but he decided to do a swerve to generate good heat and then do a classic double-cross, and the marks go crazy. The problem is that this isn’t professional wrestling and

Here’s a scarier thought: imagine what a gaping asshole Scaramucci would be on cocaine

The inclusions of Star Brand is interesting, because the Star Brand is usually the result of something called the “White Event,” which happens when a world makes a type of evolutionary leap and superhumans start showing up (the Earth-616 one was kind of weird, because it happened when the multiverse was dying, so it

And in fact he was a lousy soldier, graduating at the bottom of his Annapolis class (which means flunking calculus and not turning in work, rather than being a rebel), getting wings he almost certainly didn’t qualify for, and dodging a well deserved grounding because he was Navy royalty. Most men don’t get a chance to

There’s a great bit from the LA Times today from their article on McCain:

I’m not sure I’d call those loafs of bread. More like large bread cookies.

Being from inside the US, it’s objectively terrifying that we have a man like that in charge.

“as well as doing something the MCU fails to do”

Yeah, I would be shocked and horrified, but I just can’t bring myself to care. Obviously none of this is going to matter in the long run. I just can’t see why they thought this was a good idea. “Hey guys, know how we have a set of insanely popular movies based on some of our most famous heros? Well, what if we made

Thank goodness for my friends who said we shouldn’t judge this storyline simply by Captain America’s “defection” and that we should have faith in Marvel to make this a compelling story.

How about someone punch him in the dick?

Wow. Remember when Senator Warren was censured for having the temerity to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate, because she’d insulted Sessions by doing so? They could not abide that breach in decorum due to a senator.

McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.

Fuck you

Tragically I think is destined to pass if it comes to a vote.

Peter can’t be happily married. Peter can’t have a happy family. Now Peter can’t be successful? Jesus. Marvel will never let Peter grow up, will they? I mean, if that’s the case, why even bring Miles over from the Ultimate universe then?

Fuck John McCain.