Mr. Moxwell

Being trans is not a “self-imposed ‘camp’.” Climate change is not a “choice.” Sure, disagreeing with someone about certain specific policy ideas is one thing, but when one group actively denies the existence of another group or tries to use political might to harm a group/the earth, it’s not just people on opposite

Hahhahah he wanted people to go to college and not be crushed by debt, sick burn

Let it go.

Here’s a picture of the new ship:

We are and we have been for sometime:

Me too. Yum.

Here for it. Justice defending Liberty is such a great visual. Someone create a comic.

I just read the decision and it is delicious. The Judge smacked down the Justice Department (and Trump) hard. And it shows that the DOJ can’t just get away with making arguments in court that are readily contradicted by the statements of the President. For instance, the DOJ had argued that the order was essentially

“favorability”? wtf?

“If you don’t count all the people that don’t like him, his approval rating is, like one hundred percent!”

I have, seem to get very high ratings. I definitely. You know Chris Wallace had 9.2 million people, it’s the highest in the history of the show. I have all the ratings for all those morning shows. When I go, they go double, triple. Chris Wallace, look back during the Army-Navy football game, I did his show that

Agreed Capaldi is probably the most capable actor they have hired as the doctor. I mean no slight to any of the predecessors but Capaldi CAN carry an entire episode all by himself, and be damned impressive doing so.

I liked that the Doctor was always a step behind in this episode instead of being the smartest man in the room right off.

I’m only disappointed to hear that the star goes some periods of time without being vandalized.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

But this is their last gasp, one final roar of evil before we finally push them back forever.

Actually, I thought most of Torchwood was utter garbage, other than the episode with the rural cannibals, and the Children of Earth series, which was fantastic. And yes, I complained about a lot of it, actually. It was infantile and lacked any sense of depth, class or charm for most of the show’s life.

Both turn women into sex objects. The one because he talks about (and likely does) grab their sexual parts, and the other because he cannot even fathom spending time with a woman *without* it being sexual in nature (and therefore disloyal to his wife).

Yeah, that is the behavior of a man who is either A) fucking every woman he can while maintaining an absurd public persona of a faithful husband, or B) someone who thinks that have so little self-control that if they are ever alone with another woman their dick will just somehow automatically end up inside that

That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.