Mr. Moxwell

Ted Cruz is Vogon poetry personified.

This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.

Also his hair looks fucking stupid.

This is worrying. Mainly because it means Russia would have to assume any sign of aggression -even non-nuclear, like for example Turkey shooting down Russian jets- meant it has to consider whether to launch its nukes immediatly or face the possibility of not being able to launch at all. Nuclear deterrant only works if

It didn’t leave much of an impression on me the first time for whatever reason, but I enjoyed the book so much more the second time around. So it might be worth another pass for you, if you have the time.

I read the book and thought it was a bit, well, overrated. Wonderful writing but it was slow as molasses at times and I wasn’t particularly enthralled with the main character. The premise was pretty cool though.

I didn’t dislike it when I read it, but was incredibly underwhelmed compared to The Curse of Chalion which was out the same year and which American Gods beat out for the Hugo award. And frankly, it kinda paled in comparison to Charles deLint’s stuff. And Anansi Boys is far better too.

Same here. I read it some time ago and barely remember it. Maybe I’ll watch the show to finally understand it all.

This is why it is so scary: because truly it can happen to anyone, and it does. I want to slap the people who talk about heroin addiction or pill addiction like it’s just bootstraps people need and how we should lock them up.

Anecdotal, but most of the patients I assess for opiate detox report they were prescribed opiates first, then became dependent and ended up moving to heroin because it is much cheaper. It is rare to get the folks who just decided one day that heroin would be fun.

Internet, make this scene, pronto!

So paranoid lunatics with fascist leanings aren’t good leaders or managers and have a hard time hiring competent staff? Who knew?

Please do. There’s no shame in it.

I hope this was the first and last time you’ve done that. If not, get help soon. Seriously.

It doesn’t get much better than David Cronenberg’s The Fly, the 1986 remake of the scifi classic. That’s a film that works in so many ways, it’s silly to think anyone could do better.

Soon: Director (insert hot indie, first time guy with moderate success) working on a “new take” on Citizen Kane. With the state of CGI, the effects should be fantastic!

Also @ Jhamin and satalac---Guys. Sop it. Please. I just spit out my chocolate milk. Now I got chocolate milk on the wall. And I love chocolate milk. “Nuke from orbit.” Works for me.

+ 1 RIP for Bill Paxton