Mr. Moxwell

The creative team was all British, so I’m sure they were thinking of the Autons.

Strong concur.

This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.

I much prefer this kind of fighting to the waif-fu women usually get.

I believe this is from one of the John Wick directors. Love the style they are going for here. Glad to see Charlize went the Keanu route too in doing action scenes.

Mark Halperin spent a year normalizing Donald Trump every damn day on their Bloomberg/MSNBC afternoon gabfest (since cancelled). Then once Trump was elected, he announces (on Colbert) “this is as bad as the Great Depression, WWII and 9/11 all in one.” Asshole.

Looks like we gotta start running ourselves.

They could reunite with their lost brother Adam Ant

He’s not saying democracy is a bad thing, you fucking dipshit. He’s saying that sometimes democracy produces unfortunate side effects, such as the fact that dipshit xenophobes get to spout off about their dipshit xenophobic beliefs in a public forum. I’m sure HamNo fully understands that this is the price we have to

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

The part where we can change the rule of law as our society changes. The constitution was written to be changed.

Most civilized societies see health care as a human right. We should too.

It’s not in the constitution but it should be. Have some compassion for your fellow American. When everyone does better we all do better.

fucking Christians. You fuckers eat the “body and blood of Christ.” I am way more afraid of cannibals than I am of Muslims practicing their faith.

I don’t get the Hiddleston hate. Especially here. The man is on a promo tour for his movie. Talk about his movie, for Pete’s sake. If you want to talk about his love life, call his agent/publicist/whatever and set up an interview about that. Don’t get upset that he is upset that you talk about his private life when

My life is horrible.

Brain. Surgeon. He’s a brain surgeon. Shit. Oh my god.

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

Totally terrifying.

I was raised in an atheist household (I'm 25 now), and I'm always surprised at how uncommon it is. I know lots of atheists, but all of them came to their atheism as teenagers or adults. I don't know anyone else with atheist parents.