Moxie Remon

ansel is the warm mayo of mediocre white males getting rewarded with stuff in hollywood because of...reasons. 

he’s a rapist and preys on underage girls

I didn’t get the idea that her escape was worth celebrating at all. She’s not sociopathic; she’s an unfeeling robot who can convincingly pass for human. That’s way worse.

Looking back I'm so glad Eddie Redmayne didn't win for the Danish Girl.  That would have sent a terrible message, play a trans character and you get an Oscar!  The movie itself is the most classical example of we made this for awards look how moving it is!  Despite being based on a fictional novel that only bears a

Iggy Pop, Sid Vicious, Henry Rollins,  Kim Kardashian.  One of these things is not like the others.

Young actors always seem to think that to be seen as an adult, they need to take a role as a hooker, or a psychopath, or an addict. Why not try Shakespeare?  “Different” doesn’t have to mean “loathsome.”

I didn’t like it either. Although I did like how the title was written in a font that looks like Pac-Man’s.

This movie needs an editor. The first half hour could be lopped off. The Full Metal Jacket montage was to Cherry as Taxi Driver was to Joker. There’s a 100 minute film in there that would have been pretty good. Instead we got a 2 hour and ten minute forgettable love story/war montage/drug caper.

It was fine for a quick read while I was traveling, but, yeah, it didn’t change my life or anything. It’s an admirable bit of outsider art from a certain perspective, but you didn’t really miss anything. Admittedly, I have a high tolerance for shitty protags; shoutout to everyone else who unironically thought they

I did finish the book, but, yeah, I didn’t quite get the hype. It’s authentic and written while the author was behind bars, which should be laudable, just didn’t grab me. The protagonist is such a listless personality vacuum that I just had a hard time rooting for him. Maybe I just don’t read enough memoirs,

At one point, they shoot a rectal exam from the rectum’s perspective. It may be the defining image of a film so far up its own ass.”

Wasn't she like a tween when she started, and pretty successful? I kind of doubt she had/has a thought-out career path. A bunch of her movies have been good (or she was at least good in) and a bunch haven't. There aren't messed up child actor stories about her (that I know of) so I'm happy she's working and doing her

Her career path is obvious to me: it’s going down. This may be a higher profile film, but it is likely not a very good one. Those other higher profile films you mention (Carrie, Kickass) are all over 7 years old at this point. Her star power is fading if it has not already faded away.

I can’t understand CGM’s career path. Odd choices like that Louie C.K film and that Max Landis one. But other high profile films like the Kick-Ass films, Carrie, and this one. It’s just not a clear trajectory to me what she wants her career to be like.

Unpopular opinion: Wasn’t Todd Phillips’ ‘The Joker’ just a remake of Scorcese’s ‘King of Comedy’ with more populism and murder and less plot?

We live in a society!

I don’t think she is allowed to disagree with Rich and Rich doesn’t like anything that doesn’t revolves around him, it’s in their Jez blogger manual.

I don’t agree with your take. I saw Alanis in concert last summer and she rocked all the songs from Jagged Little Pill and it absolutely still holds up. 

Here’s a hot take...Fuck Nico, seriously I don’t know what it is about him but he was talking during the broadcast at Monza and I don’t remember what he said but the impression he left me with was “Fuck this guy”. I’ll have to go back and see what it was he said.