this place is no longer fun. bye.


I used to spend 320 a month to have a juicer twice a week. But mine also cleaned the bathrooms and washed the windows and dishes, vacuumed, and just generally helped me pick up after my two kids that I was raising alone. I didn’t get fresh juice every day. We had to get buy on 3 day old juice sometimes. It was a

It’s not that she has to be flawless. It is just a stupid overused hollywood theme of creating a super soldier and manipulating them, then suddenly they learn the truth and break free.

Except that Nintendo isn’t the developer of Pokemon Go, it (and the other 2 companies that own shares in the Pokemon Company) gave Niantic the licence to develop it. Niantic has no ownership/vested interest in Pokemon Sun & Moon beyond the general interest in growing the Pokemon brand. Niantic only makes money off of

One of the best articles I’ve read on Kotaku for quite awhile.

Counterpoint: ARK is so damned unoptimized.

My wife refers to me alternatively as ‘Boy Scout’ but meant in a pejorative way and Saint Francis. I am good with animals of many types and tend to prefer them to people. Most of my life until developing an allergy I have had cats.

The chaos head Anime was bad from what I hear, but the vn was pretty good. Hopefully we can get a steins gate 0 anime soon


Every few years some new Disney movie takes over everyone’s minds for a year or two. Let’s see... Be Our Guest, A Whole New World, Hakkuna Mattata, Under the Sea.... Hmm, I think the first time some tune was that “inescapable” that I remember wasn’t even Disney. I recall “Somewhere Out There” being so common I

Now playing

It’s kind of awesome actually. It’s the best Japanese cover of an English song I’ve ever heard. Hell its a great cover of Let it Go period.

Not going to lie surprised Frozen isn’t the top of highest grossing all films list when I was there it was massively popular. That said Spirited Away winning out overall as well over Titanic is kinda neat.

It’s funny. Despite being here in Japan for 7+ years, I just got my license a few weeks ago. My wife and I live in Tokyo, so there really is no need for a car, but she wants to travel more during vacation times, which means it was time for me to get a license so I can rent cars in the future.

I just shot 10 US soldiers in BF 1 dressed as a nazi that`s a game made by westerners

I will give you a bread crumb. Its called Camp 11-B.

Step One: Cut a hole in a box.

We all have terrible things in our history. Something I like in France, it’s that it’s illegal to contest this part of history, it’s called négationnisme:

Granted America has done some fucked up shit. It’s no where near genocide of an entire race (and I’m saying that loosely with today’s political climate).

But we as a “general” culture fail to teach atrocities committed in our own land. I was talking to a girl who’s white roommate never heard of the word “lynching” and

This isn’t a Japanese specific thing. It’s East Asian. They were mostly untouched by the Nazis themselves, so they don’t really have much negative to say.