can’t talk anymore. my post has been censored by Kotaku.
oh excellent. i’m being censored here too. thanks guys.
and from the TV side, it has to be Sazae-san, Detective Conan, or Doraemon. Conan not so much but i grew up watching Sazae-san and Doraemon, and a bit less famous Ninja Hattori-kun, Ikkyu-san, ... these long running series if tabulated their annual earnings should probably be comparable or surpass those movies, and…
that song was everywhere for over half a year.... even at a gas station in the far end of Hokkaido the gas station attendants were all singing and dancing to it... (i was driving at the time, couldn’t get it on video)
let someone who is a leader of a country say it far better than i as a regular citizen of the world can put it. stop making shit up for your views of how the rest of the world should act under your supervision. your country and your country’s bias should not be running the world or rewriting history as it fits your…
right, because in the end, Americans are the only people who are right.
and completely ignoring the gun to the head. if they were truly peaceful, why arrive a second time with a squadron of armed ships when they failed the first time? oh right, because all of those things are attractive to the Americans only. the death of the emperor who resisted and the power hungry bureaucrats who…
that US is an arms dealer that uses threat and imperialist means to force a nation to trade. it’s as much a mercantile nation as the opium peddling Imp. Brits were. Japan learned from that to befriend the British to ally and split China’s pie with 6 other countries and eventually just took the entire pie while the…
that’s like saying the whole point of a kidnapping is to bring the kid to have ice cream. let me point a gun at you then tell you i’m the bigger man here for allowing you to trade with me (Japan refused the US successfully in the late 1700's to early 1800's, and the gun-free Biddle was turned away).
The united state was transformed from an isolationist country into a major military power by WWII, prior to that we just want to sell stuff.
on the point of Unit731 and biological warfare. what are the Japanese views on the poison gas factories on Okunoshima, aka bunny island? do they think chemical weapons were produced and/or used on enemies? especially on civilians? (same goes for the lesser known Sone poison gas factory in Kitakyushu)
unfortunately, this is the same deal when it comes to people thinking that the panda population have rebounded that humanity is sinless from numerous other species going extinct. doesn’t matter unless it’s cute (or whatever qualifier that matters in the realm of entertainment news and celebrity endorsements of importa…
DJ David Brody made the ultimate parody.
and your exasperation means you care way too much about a pointless argument. ungreying your post so people can see more of your lovely personality.