
Right? We biked everywhere; no helmets. Driving those roads now, all I can think of is how there’s no shoulder and the bends/trees limit visibility to like 75 feet. We should all be dead.

Why dont they make all vehicles out of the same stuff?

Not that vehicles are generally designed to crumple on a side impact, since that’s generally where they’re extremely weak.

...except that nobody knows what any of these words mean.

Can an SUV have a unibody frame?
Is the VW Bus a minivan?
Is the Saab 900 a wagon?

Ask these questions of ten different people, and you’ll get ten different answers (despite being yes/no questions).

I wish we lived in a world where a “roadster” could be defined by

As a driver, most of this stuff (Ivans, tailgating, phones, camping) is true 100% of the time. I’m not sure why it’s framed as a motorcycle-specific issue. That said, I’d like to take issue with two points...

The broken printer thing is clearly a lie. The real issue is that they hadn’t yet figured out what to charge him with. If, as you suggest, he had violated some horn-related laws, that would have been a slam dunk for the cops who were so desperate to find something to charge him with.

I disagree with you regarding the 100%.

To be fair, you don’t know what the cop told the other 3 cops.... the guy blowing his horn did commit what is considered a ticketable violation in most states

A perfect example is the 2015 shooting of Walter Scott.

...and every ostensibly “good” officer around them becomes dirty and rotten by virtue of being in proximity to these things.

Moral of the story is...

If a cop really wants you to have a ticket, you are going to have a ticket.

I keep hearing about how only a small percentage of cops are problems, and that on the whole, they’re no worse than the general population. This is bullshit.

They all think it is worse to admit they were wrong, than to actually be wrong.

This cop is a lying piece of shit.

Large rental trucks quiet enough to sneak up on pedestrians with lots of low-end torque.

I’ll never understand those stories of people who drive for miles with pedestrians stuck in their grills without realizing it... unless they’re driving one of these shovelmobiles, in which case I can totally see that happening.

It’s going to get an engine update when the current chassis is updated for the 2021 model year

I think you misunderstand what “sport” means in this context.