


I was purely referring to him pulling her out of the group of people descending from the cattle cars into the lines that separated them into “work camps until you were killed” or “immediate death.”

It’s not the “word/history/Scripture” of her people. You’re being purposely obtuse. The “Bible” refers to a religious text that claims that the previous half of the “Old Testament” doesn’t apply to people who accept the teachings of Christ. Your punishment will be after your death, in Hell, not in this world as it

BE UNGREYED! this is wonderfully written, and is ... so true.

I feel like it should have been a scale for ball measuring... but that would have been harder to pull off on the TV

Me too! And they do have great chemistry in it you have to admit.

Kelly, you’re a badass and I love you. And this article.

Yo, so is this so they can write off their chateau next to their vineyard in France as a business expense? Just wondering.

Not as sexy as Mr. and Mrs. Smith

I was actually saying that this romance could MAYBE be very carefully written but the thing that makes this book itself truly unpalatable is how this Jewish woman and the Jewish people in general are used as the background for a story written for a Christian argument about faith in a book produced for a Christian

I think your issue here is that when one refers to “the Bible” it is shorthand for “Christian religious texts.” Jews (who as you say, use the “first half” of the Christian Bible) would never refer to their religious text as a Bible or even the Old Testament.

you mean like when the Christian imprint of the publishing house used it in their Amazon description of the novel? Totally agreed.

Yeah the AND should have been capitalized. But yes, I have family members that escaped due to their “non-traditional” looks.

exactly. She happens to be gorgeous and blond and she’s saved.. coincidentally? I think not.

ok fuck this noise i’m seeing this in the theaters.

So one of the commenters on SBTB said the following statement and it so perfectly summed up what I was trying to say in my longer post I have to quote it here:

100% this girl utterly owned someone’s (male) child and their parent complained that it’s supposed to be a boy’s only league.

Um... this is why people need to be chill with Paganism/Wicca.

Bored now.