
I think the best part of this honestly is

Is this a trend?! I was raised with “after you sneeze, you say ‘excuse me’”! I guess maybe it was along the lines of “if you make any bodily function that makes a sound, you then excuse yourself”

The belt buckle is my next purchase! My adviser in college had one that his wife stole and wore all the time, so cool, and such a fun thing to pass down to people.

My now husband gave me Nikes and Tiffany pearl earrings for our first Christmas. He won everyone in my family over with that one. Good job buying things for your ladies that they like and treasure. Also, an initial heart necklace doesn’t make one “basic” (like it’s 100% a bad thing... not. argh) it’ll be something

Horse person take: she should NOT have attempted to kick the horse, that’s her temper getting the best of her. That’s not an appropriate form of discipline but this horse deliberately bucked her off.

The last ep set up people believing Bran’s visions without extreme proof, he contributes Petyr’s own words to their father as seen through time as evidence against him.

The thought is that the prophecy has something to do with it. Also, if she was smart, very VERY few people would know she’s barren, since that makes her whole “trying to conquer Westeros” thing very shaky, as Tyrion mentioned.

Right, now he’s not even a bastard Stark. He’s legitimate with a Stark mom, which sort of makes him more officially a Stark?

Too bad the Mountain’s not aware of Arya, because after the whole “Aw Brienne, thanks for telling me about our Murder Baby” scene that would be the only person I can see him being cool with killing the Mountain other than himself.

Too bad that he’s not aware of Arya... b/c that’s who’s fucking coming for him. Along with the Hound.

THIS. Nail on the head.

Pro Jaime actually killing her, as it fits the profile of both his redemption arc and her prophecy AND his whole Kingslayer bit

if I was good at photoshop I’d take the cover of the Dr. Seuss book, “Too Many Daves” and cross out “Daves” and write in “Aegons”

I just don’t know about introducing Daario again. Especially since she left him to make an advantageous marriage (what could be more advantageous than marrying the King in the North, silly Jon, gotta think like a King, should have offered marriage rather than bending the knee) that would add a lot of personal drama.


Also, funnily enough, when I was confirming my memory of Dance of the Dragons... there were two Aegons before, and elder and a younger on opposite sides, one became Aegon II and the other became Aegon III after his mother died during the Dance.

Agreed. This is actually why I never believed Jon would be legitimate, only an acknowledged bastard. It goes against all we know about Rhaegar being a good person, “fond” of his wife and children. I highly doubt he would have removed his children from the succession (they could of course, be put lower in the order by

“Ned asks Cersei how it is possible that she never had a child by the king, and she admits she almost did but had the child aborted. Cersei goes on to claim that she cannot stand to even touch Robert now, and has not let him inside her for years. Instead she pleasures the king in other ways when he leaves his whores

I think someone reminded me that the Children changed Benjen to save him from death by White Walker sword... by putting dragonglass in his heart. But that’s how they made the Night King (or the first Night King) so did that make him basically the next Night King in training? or something? I’m asking more questions

Right, he’s not a wight at all?

Right! But no clues like “oh these crazy weird undead are being controlled and ordered about by a sentient legendary ruler!”