Adult Here

Ha, I briefly had that thought, but Dengar’s backstory is well-established on screen (we saw him in The Clone Wars).

We’re gonna find out the makers of GoT were that same kind of white privledged asshole who thinks “authenticity” means acting like dicks and treating your talent like shit.

LMM has done more to promote minorities on stage and screen than anyone else in the last dozen years or so. Too fucking bad if there’s not enough of a particular minority featured in “In the Heights” - he shouldn’t have to apologize for shit.

Okay if your going to defend Elon on this idea, I really want to here your augment on how the HELL is this a good idea for a steering wheel!

Found the Tesla Incel...

wow another tesla cult comment. elon musk and his army of nodding idiots don’t approve. shocker. none of these have actually accomplished a damn thing in their lives, but they make time to bemoan honest criticisms of tesla, the single most impactful....wait, what? 

And yet Elon will never notice you.

according to rex in the episode the ship was one of the first ships commissioned for the republic military so depending when that was it could actually predate the clone wars. we also don’t know what shape it was in when it was brought to the planet.

No amount of information control is gonna make that many people forget that quickly.

No amount of information control is gonna make that many people forget that quickly.

And lazier.

every one is basically a cameo by a character who has shown up before.

If they weren’t meant to cook kebabs, they shouldn’t have put ‘Lamb’ right there in the name. 

We have created an asperational american mythology that we all could be rich someday. And we have done so for a very long time well over 100 years. We are raised believing the mertiocracy means the best people are the rich ones otherwise they would not be rich. I disagree but that is the poison of the lie of meritocrac

Technically, the Brood predated StarCraft by a number of years. Their first appearance was in 1982 (which means they actually predate James Cameron’s ALIENS, too! Not the first film, though).

X-Men’s Brood pre-date Starcraft by almost two decades.

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Kiss the Girl is also a great song. He will definitely be missed and his incredible contributions to the film and his commitment to the character in the years since are absolutely priceless. If he hasn't already been made a Disney Legend, he should be.

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RIP. “Under the Sea” is one of the greatest Disney songs committed to film, and maybe its most infectious.

X-plan pricing is basically invoice. This is for suppliers and friends/neighbors. The the A/Z plan is for actual employee/retiree relatives. A/Z is basically invoice minus hold back, ad money, rebates, and any dealer cash floating around. It’s the real deal.

Ford knows the game, which is why they have a provision for “Friends & Neighbors” under the X plan. A car sold, even at a slight discount, is better on the books than no car sold.