Adult Here

This is extremely accurate.

Nah, Matt Gaetz probably has something fancier than a Santa Fe.

Front end was already bashed in before the arm hit the windshield. Car possibly stolen, driver high, or both.

Or, fleeing from a previous accident.

What would make someone want to do this, I wonder? Just a powerful, fuck it, I’ve always wanted to try it urge? Maybe they really, really had to pee? A grim and steadfast refusal to let some stupid bridge tell you what to do? Just being from Florida?

I think Florida is a much greater contributing factor.

“So, hopefully this one will be a little more than little plastic people falling over.”

Let's be honest, he only got involved because Kenneth Branagh directed the first one.

I mean, he does have a point. Rogue One was one of the high water marks for the Star Wars franchise since Disney bought out Lucasfilm. It’s pretty much that, and Mandalorian season 1. (Season 2 was still good, but went a bit heavy on fan pandering, IMHO)

It has been done. It’s called a subway, or tube, or metro, or people mover, etc, etc, etc.....

No one said it couldn’t be done. People said it was over priced and less efficient then existing transit options.
Everyone knew it could be done, its just pointless and dumb

I disagree with your assessment of TLJ, even as I agree with your overall view of the sequel trilogy.

In hindsight, it would have been a good idea to take another look at George’s outlines or ideas for the sequels, hand them off to Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni for flushing out and working into three screenplays and

I don’t know that that reasoning makes much sense. Many of the people who didn’t end up liking TLJ saw it in theaters, so using box office returns as evidence that they were a tiny minority doesn’t make much sense. Personally, I don’t particularly like TLJ, though I want nothing to do with the reactionary assholes who

So it drew a dick, then got stuck in the mouth of the Suez and there aren’t enough seamen with enough thrust to push it out. And the longer it’s in there, the more screwed we are...

*Subaru owners have entered the chat*

I sure hope not. My Legacy 3.6R is getting new plugs this summer...

Subaru H6 is the king of difficult spark plug replacement.

“Swapping out spark plugs isn’t as hard as you think.”

There’s another post about maintenance that we’re putting off, and I’m tempted to mention the removal of my battery, air box, and ecu mount so I can pull the caps and scrape up my hands fitting some plug sockets in there.

Pulling the engine isn’t as hard as you think.

(Yes, yes it is)