Adult Here

She’s written consistently haunting and beautiful music for nearly fifty years. Stunning voice, talented musician, composer, and dancer.

To be fair, you as a Jalopnik commenter might not be the typical car buyer.

As God is my witness, if that enormous rust bucket shows up in David Tracy’s front yard...


Agreed.  I just got a little dumber just reading this.  All three cars came in last place?  Hello?  Does anyone even quality check back there??

  • 3 cars, but third place, third place, honorable mention, third place again.

If it is this hard for a company like bungie to make this happen, imagine how hard it is for small channels. I have like 150k subs and this happens to me at least like once a month. There is nothing I can do about it. Hell, I just lost all monetization on FB for some reason they won’t even tell me.

Station wagons are better than SUV’s.

For an older Subaru with a new motor I’m guessing he only had liability insurance and thus no claim to be had. I feel for him.

Someone pointed this out in the other article, but Choi’s video should be flagged/demonetized for containing dangerous/illegal acts. You don’t even have to click into it to flag it on mobile (I hope that avoids giving him any revenue or any sort of engagement).

I am glad this person figured out a way to fund the purchase of a replacement vehicle but hopefully he is also pursuing legal and insurance claims against the driver and whoever else was involved with this crash.

“without any warning.”

<Rick and Morty Car Battery Episode.jpg>

I know a guy who can identify antifa everywhere, guy with a big beard, somebody with a rainbow scarf, foreign car owner

I wish I could find antifa so I could join, but just forwards to wait - snap!

I love how Antifa has become this shadowy cabal of agents that is highly organized and subversive but it can be literally anyone. Also I love how Anti-Fascists is somehow the bad guys for the freedom crowd? Oh those darn people who hate fascism ruining my freedom parade...

Still not enough.

It’s super hard for me to trust Google when I’m buying digital content now, given how I lost all the albums I “bought” on Play Music, now inaccessible to me...

Report: This was not at all surprising to anyone

I’m honestly amazed that Mitsubishi still makes an effort to sell cars in the US.