Adult Here

Wasn’t that kind of inevitable once cosplaying became, well, good? Today’s makers have access to all sorts of resources (3D printing, etc.) that you don’t see in old photos of costume shows at sci-fi conventions from 40-50 years ago.

It’s more complex, but I really liked the modern take on Ithorians with the Mayor. He looks like a weird alien, sure, but it felt like he was an alien person and not a guy in a suit.

Counterpoint - make it known when you don’t like something, and give it fair criticism. You don’t need to stay silent just to spare people who don’t like your opinion from seeing it and being bothered by it.

Thanks for this. I mainly know David Cage games as being incredibly pretentious.

I think it’s because they say stuff like this:

The Maverick was so friggin cool. 3D printed splitter, flares and that Cossie style rear spoiler.

It makes sense.

 “Paul Gosar First Congressman to Be Stripped of Powers Because of Public Fantasies About Violently Murdering Women He Finds Threatening Because Their Presence Intimidates Him."

I like the juxtaposition of her name and “It’s Gonna Be May”, and also when the trailer closes with that line and then smashes up “MARCH 2022".  They really should have released it in May to complete the circle.

Who knew that eventually EVERYONE would act like the Mayor from Jaws.

The flu WILL return at full strength this year. My guess is wholly due to people who similarly refuse to take precautions like getting vaccinated, wearing a mask while indoors and in close contact with others, and generally doing the things that science has proven to be effective in mitigating transmission and severe

And no helmet, gloves or proper riding boots.  This wanna be motorcycle enthusiast is damn lucky that he’s just the laughing stock of the skate park.

Could be younger buyers. My eldest has been an authorized user on my cards (but never got to use them)for almost a decade. When he hit 18, his score was close to 750. A teenage boy is still a risky borrower, so I’d expect higher rates for him when he starts that mess.

Not sure I see a need to make this a bigger deal than it has already become. They put out a bad joke, got called out, then made what seems like a honest and open apology that appears sincere.

The filthy rich and their spawn are not “able to learn and be a better person.” They have been taught their entire lifetime that us poors are nothing of import. We are disposable. We are trash. They think in terms like “I can kill as many people as I like by poisoning their environment and only pay a small fine,” or,

All of this is a prime example of both how and why the dealer model needs to die and how Ford screwed up the Bronco’s rollout with its reservation system. Ford should have done a better job of explaining to customers how reservations work.

Oh crap. This is not just going to kneecap the car industry. This will cripple everything across the board because aluminum alloys are in everything.