Adult Here

I explained who in the story, you know, if you had read it. Or did you just come here to be a dick?

I always thought the insurance documentation portion was so you have evidence of the value of your goods (photos, receipts) and know your coverage (policy). Your insurance company may have your policy and some outdated photos, but I wouldn’t expect them to be overly helpful in a larger scale disaster like an

Here’s what she said on the podcast, albeit with a rough translation.

“What was 22's spark anyway? For me, I was also discouraged by the way it seemed like they were setting up 22 as having a passion for teaching and being a teacher...”

But Soul frames these moments as belonging to 22 in a way that detracts from the movie’s message because they imply that Joe himself was never properly comfortable in them prior to his adventure.

This movie had so much hope (hype?) coming into it. It just doesn’t deliver on most of those expectations, even the most minimal of ones.

Oh for fucks sake! What really is the time in milliseconds between the custom sounds going live and someone uploading a cat call or just “Cunt!” Over and over again.

Nope, you’re not. Daikatana sunk an entire studio and was unplayable in any form. CP2077 made close to half a billion dollars on release weekend, is by all accounts really great on a sufficiently powerful machine, and will likely make $1-2b when all is said and done, even after the refunds and the drama.

Can’t wait to see this, fall in love, and then have SyFy cancel it. 

Wasn’t this built with PC in mind above all else? Even before the PS4 Pro and One X were announced, PC’s were capable of putting out visuals at least on par, if not better, than what the Series X and PS5 are putting out now. I imagine consoles were never considered a priority, and just something to port to in the

IDK if you’ve seen The Clone Wars or Rebels cartoons, where the Darksaber first appeared, but this is just how it’s designed. It’s ancient and unique, created by the first Mandalorian Jedi.

You’ve been able to reacquire shaders for two years, since Forsaken introduced Collections. Have you really not played in two years? That’s not snark, I’m genuinely curious! You’ve missed SO MUCH, almost all of which has now been vaulted...curious to hear what a very lapsed player thinks of...everything.

Listen, I hate Trump and what he has done to our country, but I don’t think we should be using that to cancel people like Gina.

But when Mohc turned to the idea again, he ditched the cybernetics entirely: his Dark Troopers were battle droids.

Do try to keep up. Catherine Tate, aka Donna Noble, already voices Magica DeSpell.

Being asked to follow the law is not harassment.

If only there was a way to moderate a website’s content remotely. I’m going to invent such a mechanism and become rich.

Road 1x is definitely a thing. there are 1x options for all bike types. They are much more popular on gravel/mtb because that is where they started, The road market is pretty stodgy and any innovation is slow to be adopted compared to mtb/gravel. Road people are much more interested in weight so the large cogs of a 1X

Squadrons is probably the best game that came out of EA in the past year. It’s also one of the best VR game. It’s so amazing to keep track of enemies ships with your head in a dogfight!