Adult Here

I think the struggle here is the gap between what is perceived as appropriate. I tend to agree though. I don’t feel as though I drive recklessly/ unsafe, and feel many would fail at arguing that I do, but I do frequently break the speed limit.

Well, that didn’t take long.

Yep. He said one of the quiet parts out loud, didn’t he?

I’ve got friends who were upset that Supernatural was ending. And then I had to remind them that Fringe, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Game of Thrones, Chuck, Orphan Black, Torchwood, Heroes, Dollhouse, Arrow, Agents of SHIELD, Gotham, Falling Skies, True Blood, Once Upon a Time, Warehouse 13, The Magicians, and a buttload

I wonder if he’s ever driven on a track before. Did anyone ask before he started?

Buy a Das Keyboard then. 

Listen, I always love a good joke that goes way, way, WAY too long for the sake of a terrible pun. I once nearly got kicked from my WoW guild during a raid for telling a 45 minute joke that ended with a lame pun.

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

Hate to break this to you but:

Oh god, to live in the world through eyes like yours... where everything has to be filtered out like you looked at the internet through horse blinders because otherwise you lose your shit.... how terrible. I’m sorry you’re this insecure in your notions of how the world is.

LOL - 2012 called, it wants its bad-faith idiocy back.

Canadian car guy here. Still thought “looks like America, cops believe they just got assaulted by a deadly weapon, hope they aren’t black”

It is part of all cultures, car culture isn’t exempt.

First thing I thought was: lucky they weren’t black

Race, and racism - explicit and hidden - is a part of everything. Including automotive culture. If you can’t see that, or don’t want to believe that, you’re a part of the problem

Middle aged white guy here, and I thought the same thing.

Liu Yifei can fuck off.

Don’t send your kids to school. Take a year off. They can graduate when they’re 19.

Myocarditis can occur from viral influenza or pneumonia, but it’s not common. And it’s certainly doesn’t occur at a rate of 80% in patients who had the a bug.

Does it really matter? I don’t understand all the people trying to make comparisons to anything else. The point here is that this thing is brutal (confirmed), spreads more easily than the flu (confirmed), and SO DAMNED EASY TO PREVENT (confirmed, over and over again.) Comparisons are just a distraction and excuse for