Adult Here

always bugs me when I put the number of years since the game was kickstarted into the headline and forget that development actually started in 2010-11.

Thats not what quite what happened here, from the photographers FB page.

This. They messed up, knew they messed up and have been hell-bent on making it right ever since.

Maybe it really is time we stop giving white people who seek to weaponize the police against Black people cutesy little nicknames like “BBQ Becky” or “Central Park Karen.”

Eh, I wouldn’t say Tesla has “disrupted” the auto industry. They’ve shown that EVs can sell, but they’re not at a point where the rest of the industry is reacting to them. They haven’t made ICE automobiles irrelevant. They haven’t made any other companies irrelevant.

You’re saying he *shouldn’t* be reached, but his point that he *couldn’t* be reached is total horseshit.

Counterpoint: In the case of an actual emergency, this president is the last person you’d want to inform until it was absolutely necessary.

Chelsea Clinton pointed out on Twitter that when her father was in office and she needed to reach him, she would call the White House operator and they would put her through to him, wherever he was. The notion that the PRESIDENT OF THE GODDAMN UNITED STATES would be unreachable is bonkers. What if there’s a bombing or

That will be a great buy on before you know it. Thanks Uncle Sam!

Hey, at least they got rid of the side airbags before someone got hurt!

Ok, cool. Off roading for the troops. But mobility on the battlefield? There is zero protection on that thing. And hopefully it never rains or anything

You’re not wrong. And I’d also add in: this was how society was in the 1990's and early 2000's. Yes, there was a spectrum, and yes, The Man Show branded itself as being further along that Bell Curve than, say, Late Night with Jay Leno.

Now playing

Hazel, I wish you hadn’t touched this topic. I know the Kimmel thing keeps getting tossed around on Jez, and if you had read the comments on those prior pieces you wouldn’t be looking this foolish.

Everybody knows that Kimmel was that guy. Corolla is still that guy. The difference (and one that should make all of us

Given what people know about Sacha Baron Cohen, and his well publicized gimmicks and how he despises the right-wing, it should be taken as clever trolling.

I honestly doesn’t own know if this is going to go over as

I’m going to guess it’s some variation on “being a really shitty person.”