
Card “On RevealEffects should always happen before location text (hence why On Reveal effects work for Death’s Domain or Luke’s Bar.) But things get trickier when it’s not explicity an “on reveal” ability and the location effect happens later.

Yup. Or even playing The Hood, which I usually only put in my Destroy Deck, but with Vormir appearing so much, he’s good in other deck types, as well.

Yeah? Well Pepsi can put a little “shut” in their “the fuck up” says me.

Where is there an option in the Play Store to manually update it? I’ve looked all over. In my main app list, there were a couple other apps that needed updates, but no Snap. I went to Snap’s listing and my options were just uninstall and play...should I just uninstall and reinstall, then?

Well, it was something about my work’s network. It was blocking this...I’m guessing it was blocking some sort of tracking software/service Target was using on this deal, since I could browse and add other items to my cart6, just not this (though I didn’t try on any of the other “Black Friday” deals, so maybe those

Not sure if the deal is dead, or what, but I keep getting a “Something went wrong” error when I try to add it to the cart. I can add other items to my cart, INCLUDING the “regular” X-Box Series S that is not advertised at the lower price or with the $50 gift card bonus. 

Man, some people have crap savings accounts. Mine, no minumim investment amount, no penalty for too many transactions, it sitting pretty at 2.35%.

Surprised that “having a trampoline” isn’t on the list. I believe most insurance policies cite them as an “attractive nuisance” and will generally raise your rates if you have one, and you might be in a world of hurt if your kid’s friend injuries themselves on it and you never told the insurance company you had it.

Not going to fly? In me experience working in IT for an MSP, most companies use Office 365 already. All this is for them is a branding change. I only had one of my company’s customers use one time purchase Office license for their employees (small non-profit with about 5 full-time employees).
All the others, which is

A big feature you left out is “Inverter” microwaves. Sounds like just some gimmicky, marketing “buzzword” but it has real implications. “regular” microwaves basically only ever operate at 100% power. The magnetron is either ON or OFF. If you select 50% power, it just does a 50% duty cycle. It well just be on for a few

I don’t know how they got their data, but this list is bunk.

Schlocky 90's vampire show Forever Knight made the list, but not the BETTER schlocky 90's vampire show “Kindred: The Embraced”?

It’s entirely possible to have too many leaves to just let them “sit there.” They’ll just smother the grass, or groundcover, or plant beds and won’t decompose in time for next year so the layer of leaves just gets thicker and thicker.

I really hope Loki is fighting that Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man we see in the foreground.

Oh even “Lisa the Vegetarian.”
It’s chock full of bunly goodness!

Well, like the other commenter, I can’t tell if you’re just joking. But if not...It’s exactly the same, just use metric measurements (instead of a car being 15' long, it’s 4.5m long, so the distance is roughly 2.25m x 10 = 22.5m, or ABOUT the 75 feet in the example given) The fact that the distance from your eyes to

I can’t tell if you’re joking. It’s exactly the same, just use metric measurements (instead of a car being 15' long, it’s 4.5m long.) The fact that the distance from your eyes to your thumb is roughly 10x the distance between your eyes doesn’t depend on using the Imperial system.

Saying it doesn’t have the shelf life of store bought mayo is REALLY underselling it. Store bought mayo can last months in the fridge after opening...every time I’ve made mayo, in less than a week the oils start to go a little rancid. It’s not technically “gone bad” in that it would potentially make me sick, but it

Regarding The Simpsons/Death Note Crossover, Simpsons Comic writer Ian Boothby and artist Nina Matsumoto wrote and illustrated a Simpsons Comic with that exact premise over ten years ago...and surprise, surprise, Disney did not consult/involve them in any way, and will not be compensating them, either.’s from Latin, so in theory Optimi, BUUUUUT it’s also an part of a proper name, so who the Hell knows.
Is it like Attorneys General? Should this list be of Optimuses Prime? Or Optimi Prime?