
Till All Are One.

“I’m high as Hell, and you’re about to get shot!”

I did for about three years when I lived directly across the street from not just the cemetery, but the cemetery entrance. Meanwhile, the closest park was over a mile away. On a hot summer day, my dog appreciated being able to walk on gravel or grass instead of hot concrete and asphalt.

I’d slap a dead grandma on the roof, a dog collar on the bumper, and head off towards Wally World.

Because “turn the air conditioner down” is functionally shorthand for “turn the air conditioner temperature setting down.”

Easy answer: Gravity works as you travel through time. Even if you’re going “faster” than normal time, or backwards, or backwards and faster, gravity still keeps you on the same sport on the Earth the way it does now.

And there was one story I read where the time travel device moved as it moved forward in time, and it

FTR, they’re not starring in the TV show. The TV Flash and movie Flash are different actors/characters in different DC “Universes,” though I think Ezra was in a couple episodes of the TV show as part of a weird crossover event.
But your second point still stands, how is WB being SO SILENT on this? The FLash movie has

All those fake DC trailers and you don’t include the best one...Grayson?

It looks like a “fresh, re-designed” logo a failing ski mountain spent too much money on circa 2012.

A local bar owned by a friend of mine has the Adult Happy Meal.
Shot of Old Grand Dad and a Molson can.

It wouldn’t be $60, though. Back when you could still buy a full version (CS6 was the last one, in 2012) , it was $700. You can currently get a bundle of Photoshop and Lightroom CC for $10/month. So add another ~$100 to the PS price, and you get $800 worth of applications for $10/month... so in 81 months, over 6 and a

If you can find it, the Green Mountain Gringo Roasted Pepper or the Roasted Garlic varieties are MUCH better than their standard ones. But I’m not sure what the distribution of those is outside of the east coast (and despite the name, it is no longer made in VT, it was sold to a larger food company, Garner,  years

What I’ve done when getting a new PC is to use MS’s “Media Creation Tool” to get a clean version of Windows 10:

1. Sand

Please don’t do this. The issue it’s just that there’s salmonella bacteria that might get in your system, but that salmonella is living in the jar of peanut butter and making all sorts of nasty toxins that do NOT get destroyed when cooked.

You mention Gelato doesn’t contain egg yolks like ice cream, but not all ice cream has egg yolks.
You also forgot “Frozen Dairy Dessert,” the abomination of cheap dairy companies that’s basically this:

I think the British version is called Freeman/Freeman on the Land.

I agree with a password manager. I have a unique password for every website or system I log into, and while I can remember the most common ones, ones I only log into every month or so (like my credit card accounts to pay the bills,( I have to go look them up.
I use KeePass with a VERY long, complicated password. I’ve

If nothing else, our lack of billboards gives us the edge.
Though TBF, you’re not likely to see too many billboards on remote NH roads, but it’s always a possibility.

Pretty much anything said by a boomer (i.e. my dad) in regards to jobs.
“Why don’t you just call up some places and see who’s hiring?”