
Also because of that kid that tracked his private flights. Musk spending $45 billion to shut down that one account.

But, as said here, they’ve already done this with Salt and Vinegar chips. Does it taste exactly like vinegar? No, but good enough, so just add some dill flavor to the existing S&V chips and it would make a perfect pickle chip.

My only possible thought is some actor was adamant in refusing to eat Cheetos, but the director and/or screenwriter were steadfast that the scene NEEDED Cheetos, so a compromise was made.

It’s not just FROM, Sony/Playstation themselves have shit network drivers and always have going back to PS3.
I have a PS5, I have good wifi (Nighthawk router, positioned ~10 feet from the PS5, I’d run a cable if I could, but there’s a wall in the way and I haven’t worked up the wherewithal to run real ethernet through

There is already a way to get the merchant at roundtable to sell smithing stones 1-4, maybe higher? You just have to do the right cave and get the Bell Bearing to give to them to increase the items they sell.

I’ve found the Souls controls MUCH better than other ones. But also, if you map them to the face buttons, doesn’t that use ALL the face buttons? Souls games use R1, R2, L1, and L2. R1 and R2 (or, on XBox, RB and RT) are light and heavy attacks with right weapon, and L1 is either light attack with left weapon OR guard

I appreciate that in the picture, under the notable scores it includes Costanza’s 860k. Which I guess we now know wouldn’t technically have been possible, since with only 5 digits it couldn’t display over 99,999

You must have very low water pressure and/or a SUPER low flow faucet. Over a minute to fill 2 liters is definitely not normal (at least for the US, I can’t speak to other countries.)

A few things to check. What detergent are you using? By and large, any sort of dishwasher “packs” or “tabs” are worse at cleaning. Liquid/gels are worse than powder.

I tried to sign up for a couple months ago because the IRS said I owed more money, so I had to file some documents to prove I didn’t (forgot to include HSA disbursement receipts with my original filing.)
The facial recognition would not work, I tried multiple times and it kept saying it couldn’t process or

I have ad-free Hulu, and it’s still there to a degree. The Station IDs before a show starts are often WAY louder than the show, EPECIALLY for anything TBS (Like American Dad.) It’s this VERY LOUD animal snarling noise, for some reason, and it’s easily twice as loud as I have the program I’m actually watching.

Passenger seat is ok sometimes, but no way am I putting a Five Guys bag full of greasy-ass cajun fries on my seat.

A thin meat sauce, similar to what is on a Coney dog in Detroit. Usually has “warm” spices like cinnamon, allspice, etc...

This is where I point out that flat head is a HEAD SHAPE, not a drive type. You can have a flat head that’s Philips, hex, etc... They look like this, used when you want the screw head to be even with (or below, as in countersunk) the surface:

Be prepared for a lot of Internet Oldtimers to invade the comments to explain how they still use ICQ and Usenet and YOU’RE wrong for thinking they’re dead.
I regard them with the same disdain as people in the mid 2000's telling me I should buy a SCSI hard drive instead of SATA,

A 1965 Plymouth Valiant is a better winter car than a 2002 Toyota Land Cruiser

I still don’t understand why people still lament the loss of the McDLT. It was a product of its time. Back then, the most popular McD’s menu items, like hamburger, cheeseburger, and quarter pounder, were all made and ASSEMBLED in advance, at least for the busy lunch and dinner times. So in that instance, keeping a