
Wonder if that’s a newer thing? I’ve seen 2 or 3 driving around town here in Burlington, one of which is literally around the corner from my house, I go by it when walking my dog frequently and have often thought about leaving a note that if he wants to sell it, I’d be willing to buy. They have plates, though maybe I

Maybe on a long enough timeline, but I’m guessing folds LONG before their 20 year contract is up anyway.
I mean, does ANYONE in Chicago call Willis Tower by its name? is, was, and forever shall be the Sears Tower no matter how much money whoever the fuck this Willis person pays.

Hey, as a former proud owner of an early aughts Corolla S, I must say that you are mistaken, sir!

It also has a spoiler.

Look around lakes/marinas. There’s a couple near me that offer ethanol-free gas (always 91 octane,) at marinas. That’s what I typically get for my yard tools, snow blower, etc...

It was a setup! There were all Twix!

It’s literally right there in the list. # 7:

You’d think, but I still see it on damn near every article on “how to clean a drain/clear up a clogged drain.”
STOP MIXING VINEGAR WITH BAKING SODA unless you’re doing a 5 year-old’s science fair volcano.
All you get is salty water and some CO2 gas. Yes, the fizzing may LOOK impressive, but it’s not actually doing

That towel stripping one will result in a much worse job than just using vinegar. I don’t know why baking soda + vinegar is always touted as a miracle “clean all.” Sure, it fizzes and looks neat, but the acid and base react and all you’re left with is salty water...MAYBE slightly acid or basic salty water if your

What’s not relaxing about a shower? Imagine you’ve bee outside all day in the summer...gardening, or mowing the lawn, doing a round of golf/tennis/hiking/whatever and then taking a cool, relaxing shower. Add a nice, cold, crisp lager to that mix and it is HEAVEN.

Requires location permission at ALL times, even when not using the app? Pass.

I came in to say nearly the same thing. We also have apples and pears! Maybe not as famous as Washington’s, but still! We have more flavors than just maple. Or since we have the most breweries (per capita,) maybe a beer flavor?

It’s because a mojito usually uses spearmint, or at least some other milder form of mint, not peppermint.

Midsommar prequel.

It’s worth noting that most of the time, food poisoning is not directly from ingesting bacteria, it’s from ingesting the toxins those bacteria produced which are NOT destroyed by cooking. Your stomach acid is pretty good as destroying a lot of bacteria on its own. 

Was Lauren Boebert doing a guest stink as manager that day?

 That’s ok, her and Drew can still “Bee” friends.

When I was growing up, when the cereal in a given box had only a little left (maybe at best one bowl’s worth,) my mom dumped it into a Tupperware container that was essentially a “perpetual stew” of all the different cereals that had been dumped in there. She called it “Crazy Cereal”.

I’m pretty sure I saw that magazine ad for this thing as a teen looking through my uncle’s old Penthouse mags from the 80's.