
Years ago, when working as a cook in a chain steakhouse, we had numerous “odd” customers.
First was just called The Burger Lady. She would order a well-done cheeseburger, but EVERYTHING had to be separate. A well-done patty, patted with a clean towel to remove excess grease, on a small plate. Then the bun on a separate

They used the ol’ Principal Skinner defense:

Isn’t most household wiring 14/2 (white color romex) not 12/2 (yellow)?

Keebleer Wheatables. Specifially the recipe/formulation from the 90's. At some point in the mid aughts, they changed the recipe from,

Almost none, and I read through all the replies and it’s not for any of the reasons listed so far.
The smell. Even with fresh oil, once your done, later that night and all the next day the house smells like used oil. It’s gross and I hate it. Maybe if I had a proper exhaust fan on the stove that actually vented outside

I was never the biggest fan of these as a kid, or now, and I’ll tell you why:
Chocolate does not go with gummy. Ever. I think the taste and texture combo is gross, whether it’s a chocolate bar, pudding, crumbled oreos, etc...

Except in that scenario, the X-axis would get inverted too, so...?

STOP TELLING PEOPLE TO MIX BAKING SODA AND VINEGAR TOGETHER! It does NOTHING. It’s an acid and a base, they mix to make water and CO2. Just use a baking soda paste. Sure, the foaming LOOKS neat, but it accomplishes nothing.

Mazda must have made it a lot easier in 10 years. I have an 08 and changed mine last was Hell. It involves remove an entire fuse box to get to them, and they’re wedged in the footwell of the passenger side. I had to contort myself into very odd angles to properly get them replaced and get that damn fuse box

You’ve got Vermont listed wrong, it’s actually the same category as DC to own and grow, no legal sales other than medical.
VT did pass legislation this year to put retail sales in place, but that won’t start until May 2022.

It’s stupid and I hate it.

Although I don’t think any technical details have been confirmed yet, that doesn’t appear to be what happened. It appears that the hackers used the admin tools or social engineering to change account details such as password reset email, 2-factor SMS number, etc... so then they could reset Bill Gates PW, and have the

Is it Popcorn Week at Lifehacker and no one told me or something?

They didn’t, the re-engineered it to use smaller beams, which, in effect, made it 8" higher from the perspective of the road surface.

They didn’t raise it, they can’t, really. The re-engineered it to use thinner support beams. It’s a rail trestle, raising it would require redoing the grading of miles and miles of tracks in both directions from the bridge. They also can’t lower the road, because both the grading of the road having to get changed for

I believe that’s actually the case, if you watch a lot of the videos, that majority are moving trucks, i.e. things rented by people who don’t regularly drive large trucks, so they’d be both unfamiliar with the height of their truck, and unfamiliar with what roads are/are not permitted to drive on.

Those really only work in dark tunnels, not outside in daylight.

This does NOT apply to Vermont. We have only the one Costco, and no BJs or Sam’s Club. You have to be a member to buy beer or wine*, and they don’t sell liquor. Liquor in Vermont is state can sell liquor inside a private store, like gas station or beverage store, but all liquor transactions go through a