
My local Costco has gas pumps...but no gas. They had them installed over a year ago, but they are prohibited from turning them on, as it were, until a nearby intersection gets overhauled because it’s already got too much traffic and people lining up for cheap gas will make it worse.
On top of that, the owner of several

You ask, I deliver:

Burlington, VT:
If you’re coming from South Burlington, headed straight to downtown Burlington on Main St/Williston Rd., for the LOVE OF GOD, you need to be in the LEFT lane. The right lane becomes a right turn only lane at the intersection of Prospect, and I am very sick of that whole lane getting shut down because

One thing you missed is in that in Montreal you cannot go right on red.

Good commenters post replies that are perfectly written obviating the need for others to comment any further.

Is no one going to point out that the tweet makes no sense because Steve was killed by a STING RAY, not a devil or manta ray?

Counterpoint: Mint Oreos. Though obviously not for Kevin’s wife.

Thank you. You know what’s really fucked up? You can still get Lime Skittles in the Orchard mix.
Guess what DOES grow in an orchard? Apples. Guess what (sort of technically) doesn’t? Limes. They grow in GROVES. Is it the same thing under a different name? Yeah, but I’ll take any excuse I can find to nitpick Skittles

I’ve had the best luck finding then in drug stores. CVS, Rite-Aid, etc..
Never seen them in a grocery store here in Vermont, only drug stores for some reason.*

A noble post, embiggens the smallest blog.

Retro no longer, I saw them in a store the other day, they brought them back.

Thank you, I stand with you, Gabe.
I don’t mind being silly and goofy, but Boaty McBoatFace is just plain fucking LAZY. It’s the epitome of internet-meme-based “lol monkey-cheese so random!” humor, but somehow with even less effort.
Blanky McBlankFace is just such a generic template that could be applied to literally

Man, when he was going through the repairs and problems I was just going through a checklist in my mind for my “Ranger” (‘99 Mazda B4000.)
I had a broken sway bar link, mushy brakes, a cracked/busted cruise control button, etc...
I didn’t think the cruise control buttons were that easy to replace, I figured because of

Nermal’s a boy cat, though.

Guilty. I’ve had supposed good coffee, plenty of times. Dozens of coffee places, from chains like DD and Starbucks to local cafes where they are roasting the beans as I walk in, where I see them grind up those beans in front my eyes before they make my cup, tastes to me exactly the same as Folgers ran through

Hit reply, then immediately delete the recipient in the “To:” field?

Honest question from a cleaning idiot:
How does a feather duster work?
Like...doesn’t it just send all the dust on a surface into the air so that momentarily, the mantle looks dust free, but in an hour it’ll all settlle back down again on your surfaces?
I’ve also heard conflicting reports on vacuuming and dusting. I’ve

Honest question from a cleaning idiot:
How does a feather duster work?
Like...doesn’t it just send all the dust on a

Same. I know some people are put off about people joking about murder and other grisly things, but the criminal is the butt of the joke most of the time.And when it’s not the murderer/rapist, it’s usually corrupt/incompetent law enforcement.
And if that still makes someone uncomfortable, then they can still listen to

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Jim Gaffigan figured all this out years ago: