
But the cheese would have to be on top of the pepperoni for this to happen? I guess that’s a valid way, but I think the “classic” style of American (at least NYC style) is the cheese to be under the toppings.

A little Thalidomide will clear that morning sickness right up!

True...I actually do look on craigslist every now and then to see if I can get a used one for cheap, cause I’d love to just buy a large block of cheese or meat from the deli and slice it myself. I lived in a fraternity in college and we had a meat slicer and it was heavenly.

I’ve never had one of those that can reliably cut a slice as thin and even as a real deli-slicer. If I try to get it that thin, it just slips off, the slice breaks, etc...

I mean, technically, no, but I work in IT and practice good security measures on my own devices. I only use webmail, am still diligent about only opening email from senders I recognize/expect to get mail from, never click on links I don’t recognize, don’t download random attachments, etc...
And again, even IF they

In my younger years, I never understood the point of a duvet cover.
The first time I tried to wash a king-sized comforter in a regular-sized washer and dryer, I took three wash cycles before I felt like it was actually clean (since even after the first two cycles there were dry spots from it being

Yeah, but we both know that I am 100% incapable of slicing that block of cheese to the thinness level that makes it good for a sandwich.
If I had the money, I’d invest in a meat/cheese slicer for home use, but they’re like $2000.

I can’t speak for the other guy, but I use KeePass and only have the database stored locally. If someone manages to get it, I’m in worse trouble than just potentially stolen info, cause it means they’ve stolen one of my physical devices.

Yeah, there’s literally no harm in typing in a password into this checker. The guy who runs it is reputable, and you aren’t giving a login name, a website the PW is for, or any other identifiable info...all it’s doing is checking to see if that PW string is in one of several lists of cracked/hacked/leaked passwords.

Ehhhh, sort of? It depends on what you refer to as “a breeze.”

Does no one have the heart to tell the company that’s clearly an Anteater on the label, not an Aardvark?

Does no one have the heart to tell the company that’s clearly an Anteater on the label, not an Aardvark?

Well, Humpty Dumpty is a US brand, so...yes.
Also, Humpty Dumpty makes an All-Dressed flavor that is superior to Ruffles’ version:

Same, though for me the association is from terrible school lunches where the crinkle fries were almost always undercooked; floppy, and soggy...the only times they weren’t undercooked, they were overcooked and burnt.

Keep in mind that for Vermont, this is because ALL liquor sales are done through the Division of Liquor Control (DLC.) Private stores can have liquor in them, but all liquor transactions go through a separate register for the DLC, and often (though not always) the “liquor area” is physically separated inside the store

If you legit could not get out of the room until you solved it or time expired, talk to the owners/management of the escape room. That’s illegal/against fire code. It may look like the door is locked, but it has to be able to be opened without having to find a key/code.

Not gonna lie, sometimes I go to porn sites and put terms like “kazaa” or “fileshare” in the search bar just to re-visit some “classics” that I watched in college.
FYI, most of them do NOT hold up.

In later seasons, he plays Luanne’s boyfriend, and then husband, Lucky.

Fun fact: The IHOP in Vermont (because Vermont has ONE single IHOP in the entire state) is, last I heard, the only IHOP with real Maple Syrup.