
If all you need to do is internet browsing, taking notes in class, and some homework, why would you spend nearly $2,000 to do that? The only reason is because "Oooh, Apple!"

Someone shops at, I see.

And for the love of God, with regards to shaving, shave that gross neckbeard.

THANK YOU! I was going to comment to say that pores do NOT open or close, but you did it for me and even have a nice cite for it.
In the end, the advice is sound (use warm water for cleaning and shaving,) even if the exact science isn't, so it's not a big deal, but hey, do what you can to fight misinformation everyday,

If you buy one of those Brother printers with a toner cartridge (which you'll need eventually, so might as well get it now) you save another $20 as part of a BB combo deal (and you still get the $30 gift card.)

have you looked at Hipchat?

PC Load Letter?

I know people have their own preferences and all that, but it's weird to me that so many people like those tiny-ass Apple keyboards.

I wish people would stop referring to slotted/standard screws as flatheads.

Unfortunately, it seems the latest trend from textbook publishers is to basically cut a bunch of content from the physical book, sell that at pretty much the same price as before, and then sell an additional one-time use "access code" for another $50-$200 to get the remaining content online or via some propriety

Weird that you posted some photoshop job showing it as an N64 game when it was a PlayStation exclusive.
Still a cool game, though.

My biggest problem is that it appears that current Google Play Music All Access subscribers (man, that's a mouthful) get screwed on pricing.

I'm very sorry for you and your partner, but yes, that is quite low by our standards. It would be at least ten times that in an American hospital before insurance. And if you have crappy or no insurance, than all or most of that is out of pocket.

Using two (or more) monitors can help, too. Always make sure whatever window you're sharing is on the second monitor, and that way, all notifications/popups/whatever will stick to the main monitor and not be seen.

It appears that some of these embarrassments could have been avoided if people learned to use the EXTEND desktop option when connecting to a projector/large monitor for presentations, not mirror.

You should try a Coors Black and Tan.
Coors Original poured over Coors Light.

It's penises.

On most providers, you don't need to do the 2-year contract anymore. Contract pricing is thankfully going away, an what's replacing it is stuff like AT&T Next. You pay off the phone in 18, 24, or 30 monthly installments. The payments are essentially an interest-free payment plan. They take the retail price of the

There's plenty of phones that will get Android 5.0. Both the 2013 and 2014 Moto X's will certainly get them, as will other Motorola phones (off the top of my head the new Droid Turbo will, and probably whatever the most recent Droid before that was.)
HTC has promised that BOTH of the One's (M7 and M8) will get it, and

Too bad it's ugly as sin.
Seriously, it looks like some 2011, Gingerbread-era "free with 2-year contract" phone.
I realize the "DROID" line tends to look like that, but man, still? Motorola proved it can make gorgeous phones with the X, G, and nexus 6, and then they plop this POS out. I