
Of course he won...he is invincible!

As a former biomedical technician, this is a terrible idea.

Now playing

Weird Al already gave me this lesson nearly 20 years ago:

That's why I never use my "main" email (my gmail one using my full name) for stuff like this. I have a Yahoo account that I use for things like this.

Yup. From what I've read online, it doesn't do actual MMS. If you send a picture, it just uploads it to a Google server and sends a link to the person you send it to so they can view it in a web browser.

Did Apple travel back in time and buy Jamster?

And yet the Back and Multi-Tasking capacitive buttons are still on the wrong sides.

I can only Remote Play on the same wifi? That's...kind of pointless. If I'm on the same wifi, why wouldn't I just play my PS4?

I realize that first guy might technically be in a trilby...doesn't matter, I've seen plenty of people wear fedoras in the same fashion. Not with a well-fitting matching suit, but some shitty, nerdy, t-shirt.

Yeah, sorry, no. Both are terrible. Trilbys might be worn by more douche-bros, but fedoras are worn by smug, atheist neckbearded-redditors.
You do NOT look like Indiana Jones, or Cary Grant, or Don Draper, or some cool Italian look like an idiot who can't dress himself, especially since you're probably

Holy shit, his campaign slogan:
Help America regain its vision.

It's a little misleading...the map is the top method of energy generation in each state, not the top USED. I know that most of the power that Vermont Yankee nuclear plant produces in Vermont is shipped out of state. So while that's the top source generated in the state, the vast majority of the electricity we USE up

That's my go-to. And as a bonus, you get your FICO credit score for free, along with a brief explanation as to why it's high or low (for instance, it said I had a delinquent account, which I know was wrong, so it reminded me to get my credit reports and check them, and sure enough, one of them had the wrong

They are sort of universal. There's a couple different standards, I think. Though most will work with a Qi branded one. ONly a few use the other standard, IIRC.

Yer quiz is broken. :-/

"By Grapthar's Hammer, by the Son's of will be avenged."

This was in Vermont. The relevant part of the Landlord/Tenant laws is this: