
I think I got a good story:

Wasn't Chandler a Transponster?

Their website says Vermont has the lowest difference between bad and good credit rates (18%,) but on their interactive map, CA and MA show up as 0%.
Is this because perhaps those states have laws preventing the use of credit score in determining insurance rates?

Yeah, but North Dakota is the Kentucky of the Dakotas, so...

Hectare? Did the designer travel through time from the 19th century?

Google Voice gets a feature it should have had at launch, and just in time for it to get incorporated into Hangouts!
If that's still happening, that is...wasn't it supposed to go away entirely and be integrated with Hangouts in April? Then may? Then June? Now not likely till at least July?

In the video, he says that a higher number on the eggs always means fresher. Normally, this would be true, since whatever day it is NOW is going to be a higher one than when they were packed; unless it's early in the new year...then you can have eggs in the mid-300's, but the "freshest" would be ones like 000, 001,

I am VERY glad I did not pull the trigger on the refurb KitchenAid on Woot last week. This one is almost another $100 off! their price. Now to decide what color I want...

It's not cash in my pocket, but I use Swagbucks, Bing Rewards, and PerkTV to earn Amazon giftcards.

And after ALL THAT, how many deaths have their been from Fukushima? Or deaths that are predicted to occur?

The SS40. One of the least-known of the earlier models (the ones that were all just some variant of "Super Soaker XXX.)

Beating/stirring is no good?

Of all the shows you could use to say modern kids' shows don't have a plot, you use Adventure Time? I've known people who stopped watching BECAUSE they said it got too "plot-heavy" and wasn't just random, weird jokes from one minutes to the next.

Now playing

Key and Peele outlined a possible scenario for us:

Well...maybe more than your salary.

It sure as fuck beats having an eye tattoo:

What's the over/under on the odds of this image being used by pro-lifers? I'm just remembering that photo of a fetus/baby that was grabbing a surgeon's hand during an in-utero surgery that went viral and was co-opted by pro-life groups as "proof" that babies know what's happening in the womb, or some crap like that.

It did mark an important cultural was the first time the "Mary Sue" character was a freakin' starship.

Exactly what I first thought of, too.

I know this is Gizmodo, but when I hear "Crowdfunded projects that defy all logic and reason" all I can think of is the dozens upon dozens of underage anime sex-games that get funded. D: