
Oh, and it didn't even have a fucking camera! What the shit? Even the flip-phones being given away free with cell plans at the time had cameras!

Samsung SCH-i730

Seals are definitely the dogs of the sea.

That's why they make arm bands, leg bands, etc...

I think we're missing the bigger picture here...she seriously ran the whole 26.2 miles holding her phone in her hand?! Who does that?!

avdonen: you have no idea.

This phone has a few problems out of the gate:

Same here. I was seriously expecting it to Tom Brady like the rest of New England.

There are several times in my life I did desperate things for internet:
I was home from college on winter break back in 2000. I lived in a rural area, and my parents didn't have any internet access (because to even get dial-up meant a long distance call...a big deal in those days,) and broadband DSL wasn't there yet.

Yeah, it's almost as good as Vermont. (insert smug face here.)

Who isn't?
Parents, teachers, the colleges themselves, guidance counselors, etc...

Not for a lot of people in their 20's/early 30's who have MASSIVE amounts of student loan debt.

You reminded me of one of my favorite photos:

They did...they went with a Camaro!

i agree that those pranks played on you were extremely mean-spirited. But there are plenty of ways to prank someone and have it be fun,

You missed the best one:

One time in college, circa 2003, I was in my room with a woman I had just met that night at a party at hour house. I was pretty much NEVER the guy who met girls and took them home/to my room. I was very shy in college, but I had the exact right amount of booze in me. Enough to be a more talkative and friendly version