mouthface forgot her burner key

Exactly. Sure, he won’t be doing that literally, but metaphorically, the optics on this is terrible. Also what on earth might be going through the minds of the Rockettes themselves, performing for a jerk like Trump, who was fine walking into that beauty pageant dressing room when those teenage girls were getting

That pattern on her shirt looks like a fancy drawing of the female reproduction system:

Johnny Depp is the collection of moist cigarette butts and ash sludge at the bottom of a mostly-empty bottle of Miller Lite the morning after a party.


Johnny Depp is a goddamn toddler. Grow the fuck up and get sober you bloaty piece of shit.

Boyfriend wears this:

Offer him whirled peas instead.

Annual conversation in our house:

That gives a new meaning to pussy bow.

I’d make him wear it.

We can pretend it’s Easter grass, two holidays in one.

Nobody is outraged. Try to have fun.

And you better bring your waxing A game or it will look like the “gift” is a nest of spiders

Since he’ll only hire blonds, anyway, the gold is the hair.

Oh, good, labial split pussy bows are back in fashion!

But what shoes would I wear with this?

Behold the Trump white house uniform for female employees, except in red white and blue, (and gold.)

The fact that The Donald has a mistress isn’t exactly a secret.

Hey, whatever floats your boat.

Ugh. You know what? These assholes have finally put me in a position to identify with Kris Jenner. If I were having a Christmas party and one of my must-have guests were in a volatile off-and-on relationship that might not be on by the date of the party, I wouldn’t invite their partner either.