mouthface forgot her burner key

As someone noted above, the bit in the law that lets a spouse join a personal injury suit (Doherty is already suing the managers for letting her insurance lapse) usually falls under “loss of consortium” which means, technically, no sex, but means broadly all the things a spouse provides: companionship, emotional

Exactly right. I stay away from all those sites.

The only thing that necklace might work with is a Christmas tree.

Initially, I read the headline, thought this was about Selena Gomez, and was very confused. Wine and Jez sometimes don’t mix.

Sure, I can accept that the character is supposed to be a white dude in the script.

Actually it was made with American money by an American production studio in English with a goal of being a crossover hit both in China and in the US.

That’s what happens when you put a trailer out. People critique it.

They say celebrities stop maturing at the age they became famous. Seems right.

Gee Matt, between this and your comments on diversity I’m starting to think you might be a douche.

*Rim shot*

What do you get someone who has everything?

As far as I understand things, it was a “simulated” rape (whatever the hell that is). So the butter would have been smeared over whatever separated their genitals.

“Oh shit! People are mad, I better walk this back. So even though I specified that Brando and I deliberately nonconsensually assaulted an actress just so I could film a real human’s sexual humiliation instead of a character’s sexual humiliation . . . let’s make this about condiments.”

Translation: Don’t be mad at me and tarnish my legacy!

Yeah folks, the great man has spoken. Nothing to see here. Let’s move on. Clearly Scheider, as a woman, cannot be trusted on this.

I can’t believe I have to tell this dumbass but, If you’re going to put butter in someone you gotta tell them! I’m not even sure I believe him, but even if what he says is true. He’s still complicit in a despicable act and Fuck Brando too.

correct. a ridiculous misunderstanding between your concept of consent and reality.

fuck him. if he wanted to escape family life why couldn’t he just fucking file for divorce or, since he admits to having no conscience, just abandon them and leave??? at least that poor baby would still be alive. jesus christ.

Good. Motherfucker should be forced to live the rest of his days locked in a hot confined space.

If the dad had just planted a taser on the kid’s body, he could have had a good enough self-defense claim to hang a jury.