
But those things require money to fund, which we need from taxes.

His intent was to hit him in the face with his stick, it’s clear as day in the video. Only place his stick got “caught” was on Spurgeon’s cheekbone.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.......Obama is the narcissist? What?

As I posted to another response, part of the problem with the videos is that they did not show conclusively that the victim was incapacitated or an unwilling participant at the time it was shot, and despite her story being credible, there isn’t enough evidence beyond the conflicting stories of the victim and the

I think the problem with the videos, as they were described in the report, is that they did not show anything conclusive indicating she was incapacitated or clearly an unwilling participant. There were 3 videos, two that were about 4 seconds long each, and one that was 90 seconds, and the U was not granted access to

It stings, because our line would actually be fairly decent if Kalil wasn’t perpetually injured and played somewhat near his rookie season level, Floyd wasn’t injured, Loadholt wasn’t retired from injury, Sullivan didn’t get injured and lose his spot to Berger. Jesus, reading that just depresses me.

I think both? I don’t really know either, just parroting the hype.

I’m hard on for that hairdo, I know that much

In addition to laws preventing felons (who have served their time) from voting: voter ID laws that require ridiculous amounts of effort to obtain “proper” forms of ID (often legitimate forms of ID are rejected, things like school IDs, because what constitutes a valid ID is arbitrary, but often don’t include forms that

I have to disagree completely with your advice to Evan about the post-jaw-wiring meal. I had major surgery on my jaw back in 2011, and while I did not have it wired shut I could not eat/chew solid food for 6 weeks, with another 2 of soft foods, along with no drinking from straws (even the pressure from sucking a straw