
That’s one way to respond when it’s pointed out that you said something really, really stupid.

No, you follow along, shit for brains.

She beat a dog?

Ricky Martin is still a thing?

Calm yourself.

Kind of funny, and something I didn’t know until this dumbass hack occurred, but a close friend was on the site when going through his divorce, and met his current fiance. She was also going through a divorce at the time. They met. They hooked up once, liked each other, and kept it going.

It’s interesting that on a web site so full of commenters who call themselves “pro-choice,” many of them are falling over themselves to insult you for your choices.

You’re a terrible human being.

a farm owning mime who takes himself seriously, beats dogs and has jealousy and anger issues?

What would Jezebel be without stupid, pointless resentment?

I think this just illustrates that certain kinds of people will piss and moan, even as they’re getting their way.