I thought we had all figured out that the basis for the “pivot to video” was BS stats and no one actually wants articles to be videos.
I thought we had all figured out that the basis for the “pivot to video” was BS stats and no one actually wants articles to be videos.
I hope every single one of those employees calls Kotick from a random number and tells him he’s a piece of shit.
Nintendo really just threw ice cold water on what was the hottest thing in the country for a couple weeks. I really hope they’re paying attention to how poorly this is going over.
Mike Leach is a piece of shit. After he got fired from Texas Tech, he should’ve been blacklisted from all NCAA positions. This is going to keep happening.
I don’t think it got cancelled. It seems like they just moved it to central Idaho.
#3 and #5 give me strong Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/Last Guardian vibes. I love it.
The stone axe is very useful for harvesting wood from trees without cutting them down, too. I consider the Pretty Good Axe and the Stone Axe to be separate tools, essentially.
That’s not even a joke, it’s just cruel for the shock value. That’s 4chan humor, which is anything but. Jokes should punch up, not down. And if they’re going to punch down, they at least have to be funny to have any sort of value.
I get that Ward wants a chance at doing Burnout: Paradise the way he envisioned it, but I think the entire concept was flawed to begin with. An open world racer just doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I thought it was pretty clear that Burnout 3, with its discrete and diverse selection of modes, worked better than…
I am dying to play this game. I’ve been following it for years, before the Kickstarter launched. I backed the Kickstarter. I was so excited it’s finally getting shown off, and I’m elated it’s getting positive reactions. It’s basically one person making the game, and it seems to be made to suit my weirdly specific…
I have OCD and one of the forms it takes is being obsessed with forming complete/definitive collections of things. So I have a HUGE backlog on my 3DS and even my Switch now because I’m compelled to continue getting games for both systems. That’s another reason I haven’t gotten a Vita yet, because it’s hard enough to…
This is me with my Switch and my 3DS. I’d love to pick up a Vita, and I know that I’d be unloading three handhelds at airport security.
I am an absolute sucker for isometric landscapes and cityscapes. Whenever I’m browsing through game stores like Steam or something, I have to check out everything with an isometric viewpoint and then convince myself not to buy it when inevitably the consensus is the game is terrible. I don’t know if it’s nostalgia for…
This makes me happysad. What a beautiful mural.
Also, nice one Luke with the “As upstart young Vice reporter Gita Jackson writes...”
I mean, you’re 100% right, but people still care sooooo much about it, haha.
PES, if I’m not mistaken, has lost a lot of official licenses to FIFA over the years, which has really hurt its standing. I feel like we’re one step away from EA achieving with FIFA what it did with Madden and essentially shutting down all competition for soccer sports sims.
Obviously not defending this turdwaffle of a…
Well yeah, that’s the issue. Twitch explicitly says they’re allowed, but are banning them anyway. What a fucking mess.
And they’re popular on Twitch, so why should the company arbitrarily decide to send those streamers packing to a competitor’s platform?
Welp, I’ve found it. The dumbest comment possible. Congratulations.
Okay, can someone explain the whole Aeris/Aerith thing to me? I’ve gathered that sometimes it’s unclear if a Japanese character is representing the S sound or the TH sound, and there are occasional mistranslations because of this, but which is correct?