
That makes sense, given that it’s Bungie and all, but the reason I avoid games like it is because I have OCD and feel a compulsion to collection everything and be a completionist, which is essentially impossible without devoting my life to it. I get overwhelmed by games like that and it ends up becoming stressful.

I have zero interest in playing a game like Destiny, but I love reading stories like this. The unique communities that spring up within these games are so fascinating, for better and for worse.

E3 had a host?

I never actually decide to stop playing an Animal Crossing game. Invariably the way it works is I play it religiously for a long time, then slowly taper off until it’s been long enough that I’ve played that I get too anxious about coming back to a mess of a town and guilt-inducing townsfolk. Whenever I get a hankering

Bleach is not an effective mold killer, don’t bother with it. Just use vinegar.

Bleach is not an effective mold killer, don’t bother with it. Just use vinegar.

Eh, they treated it more as something to get out of the way so we can just focus on the cool shit Lovecraft made. I’d appreciate more of an acknowledgment and explanation of why it was so awful even in historical context (much like this very article), and then some words on what the game creators have done to attempt

It seems like it’s not the delay that leads to more crunch, it’s a studio’s predilection to crunch in the first place. If you’re already crunching, like most studios, then yeah, a delay is going to mean more crunch. But if you’re a studio averse to crunch, delaying a game isn’t going to mean you’ll abandon that with a

I’m amused by the small subset of people who were upset that the Final Fantasy 7 remake was delayed to the same week as Cyberpunk 2077, and who are also upset that Cyberpunk 2077 got delayed a few months later.

The only controversy is that GDQ organizers don’t vet the speedrunners. There’s nothing hazy about suspending a shitty right wing troll.

Are you really claiming that, JUST NOW, Nintendo is exploiting the franchise to milk money from players? From the game franchise that has always been released in sets of barely-differing two, with a full priced third game that introduces some new features that should’ve been there to begin with...?

Although I think the reasoning behind this excuse for cutting Kelly Marie Tran’s screentime is bullshit, this article’s headline is a gross distortion of what the screenwriter said. Really quite disgusting.

Right now my laptop’s default is 1920 x 1080, but I might explore other resolutions.

This is so spot on. I thought this the entire movie. It’s an anime based on a video game.

Oh my god, my family had a green Dodge Grand Caravan that looked exactly like that Voyager in the last picture. Well, we called it the Dodge Grand Voyager because the body shop that worked on it after it got rear ended mistakenly replaced the missing “Caravan” chrome letters with “Voyager.” Lotta road trips taken in

Don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

No, but they can give that experience to an actual kid seeing Star Wars for the first time. Which was the intent. Star Wars fans just aren’t used to not being catered to directly.

I hadn’t even heard of A Short Hike, but based on your description and after watching some videos, I absolutely need this game. There aren’t enough games that are just serene and relaxing. We need more of them.

Put a bomb in a box of golf balls and write “To Bob” on it. Done. Most security checkpoints won’t even let any boxes through whatsoever, especially without checking it first, so I’m not sure what kind of free wheeling state you think we need to preserve here.

Okay, haha, funny prank, but isn’t everyone concerned at how easy it was for them to sneak a box of a hundred golf balls into a major event? I mean, on the one hand, kudos to them for thinking of a clever way to get it past security-- very adventure game-y. But if it was that simple to dupe the guards, thank god it

Republicans have no shame. But they have a multi-billion dollar propaganda machine that can effectively rig elections. So you should care a little bit...