
That’s so weird to me! People really cling to their digital ecosystems, even when they don’t have any monetary investment in them. I guess it’s basically the same thing as people getting angry that they have to buy a game and launch it with a different free launcher than the one they normally use.

I stand corrected!

What’s especially hilarious about this is how much it doesn’t matter to viewers. These streaming platforms are all free anyway. It’d be like if Stephen Colbert left CBS to go to ABC or something: all that matters to me is I have to put on a different channel when I want to watch him.

Shit, you’re right. Why did I think Minecraft came out in 2011? Time means nothing anymore.

Welp, I can’t edit my original post anymore, so everyone please disregard that statement of mine!

Right, but people who have actually played Bioshock 2 know that the game isn’t anything like that plodding last segment of the first game. Also, the Big Sisters were a FAR scarier opponent than the Big Daddies.

Okay, I know this game is technically last decade, because it came out in 2009, but 3D Dot Game Heroes does not get enough love and recognition. It pioneered the the voxel art style years before Minecraft came out, and it’s beautiful. It’s a massive love letter to classic Zelda games, but so much larger and more

You’re absolutely right about that, but no one is saying 2K should have included all the gory details in their press release, or officially announced the game when it was still early in development. But that info is still important and that’s the role that an independent press fills: giving us the information and

You don’t know that, though. Because they didn’t talk about the process until just now. Just like we didn’t know most of the process with the other games until after the fact.

I think it’s pretty significant that 2K had originally contracted with an outside company to make this game 4 years ago, but then abruptly took the project away from that team without clear explanation only to have it resurface in-house now. And especially given the points Jason makes about the troubled and taxing

But it’s not Campo Santo working on it, it’s some of the people from the studio formerly known as Campo Santo. I’d much rather see original projects from the original team.

So Valve just lets projects languish, eventually to die, if the developers happen to not want to work on it at that moment? I don’t think Valve is run that poorly. I think Valve didn’t consider Campo Santo’s next game to be important and the team went off to other things as they realized it wasn’t a priority.

This is why I get sad when any smaller developer gets bought up by a large publisher. It’s never because they want the games and properties, it’s always because they want the people to apply to their preexisting properties. EA is notorious for this, but Valve is right up there with them. I knew this announcement was

This is the same state supreme court that Roy Moore kept getting elected to. So...

As far as decongestants go, Afrin works. It really does. But there are down sides. It will clear out your sinuses enough for you to breath, but you won’t FEEL like they’re clear. And then your nasal congestion will return even worse than before, so eventually you’re just going to have to tough it out. But it works in

This is a really, really cynical article that also misrepresents what Marie Kondo said. She didn’t tell people to get rid of everything, or even most things. She doesn’t want everyone to have a minimalist life with only a handful of possessions. She just wants people to be mindful or whether or they ACTUALLY want

Valve’s entire gameplan seems to be to buy up people making great products and pass them off as their own. TF2, Portal, Left for Dead, even the new bits of Portal 2. And now Half Life: Alyx. 

I’ve been using Shift+Tab for ages. It makes it so much easier to move around a website with a bunch of different text boxes.

This is what I love about the Switch: you can just put the console into sleep mode at any point and then pick it right back up. That, combined with Breath of the Wild’s autosave feature like this article talks about, was a big reason I was able to put nearly 300 hours in that game, despite having a pretty busy

I think that deal ends today, though. But $15 for a bunch of new features and what amounts to a new expansion isn’t bad. Plus, I refrained from buying the expansions for AoE2HD when it became clear a Definitive Edition was in the works, so I got all of those expansions for that $15 too.

Theoretically, yes. I talked with Disney+ customer service about this all a while ago, and the representative told me that if you already have a Hulu subscription and sign up for the bundle with the same email, you get a $5.99 credit on your account each month. It’s basically just zeroing out the cost of the

I mean, this has more to do with how they’re casting. Mark Wahlberg is 48 now, so he was 38 when he was being considered to play Nathan Drake in 2009. Tom Holland is FIFTEEN years younger that, at 23 now. It makes more sense given the age gap. Yeah, the decade of development hell had something to do with it, but I