Hahaha, oh man, you’re precious. =’’D
Hahaha, oh man, you’re precious. =’’D
So they were only allowed to make one black female character? It HAD to be Sojourn and Sojourn alone? I mean, Garlador made all these points in their post, so I guess you didn’t read it?
This is such a bullshit excuse for a couple reasons. A) Blizzard, you’re the one that wrote the story. You did not receive the story in divine inspiration, you made it up, so ultimately you’re responsible for Sojourn “needing” to be saved for Overwatch 2. (See also: Kojima’s bullshit excuse for why Quiet needs to wear…
I’d love a companion piece on games you definitely SHOULD play while high. I have a really hard time with open world games because I have OCD and have to tick off every box and go to every POI on the map and do EVERYTHING, and it’s not fun for me at a point because it feels like work. But when I’m high, I just focus…
This is a really beautifully written review. I honestly don’t have a ton of interest in the game, or in any of Kojima’s games, but I’m fascinated by how he walks a line between reveling in schlock and exploitation entertainment and making complex political and social statements. It is, in some ways, the same line…
Just ask. That goes for both parties: ask the person behind you if they mind if you recline. And if someone reclines without asking and it’s bothering you, ask them to stop.
Just. Ask.
As someone who just worked for an art museum until literally yesterday, the timing on this seems very strange, but totally up my alley. Maybe I can enjoy the ideal version of museum management more than the actual practice of working for a non-profit trying really hard to be apolitical to suck up to local rich people…
Exactly. People can argue all they want about whether or not Blizzard was justified in penalizing the player, and if the penalty itself went too far, but Blizzard cutting ties with the commentators who literally hid under a desk so as not to be associated with the statement really says all that needs to be sad.…
Donkey Kong Country seems to have had the reverse happen to it, though: the popular modern take on DKC is it’s a poorly designed collect-a-thon that was only popular because it had pseudo-3D graphics. Which also perplexes me, since I absolutely love all three of Rare’s DKC games.
It’s weird hearing people say Donkey Kong 64 is a classic game now, when for years it was considered messy and overly indulgent, like Banjo-Kazooie taken to the worst extreme. I only started seeing it lauded when people needed to shit on Yooka-Laylee, which I feel like captures the spirit of Banjo-Kazooie perfectly.…
It does. He’s saying they pay their employees well, they have good benefits, and they don’t lay people off as a cost-cutting measure like American companies do. Therefor the profit margins are smaller and that can mean they’re more susceptible to bankruptcies if sales dip.
Do NOT air dry your hands. You need to physically scrape the remaining water and any accompanying germs off of your hands. Air drying, even the fancy Dyson Air Blades, don’t do a very good job of it. And the warm air just ends up incubating the germs that DO remain on your hands.
Martha Stewart was also convicted of insider trading, not gang activity and pedophilia. And she spent 5 months in a federal prison and then the rest of her sentence under house arrested. The two situations could not be any more different.
This policy is pretty explicitly sexist. It’s clearly designed by men specifically to target women. It’s no different than regressive school dress codes that paradoxically sexualize women and girls by claiming every little thing they do is “sexually suggestive.”
Also, donating to and fundraising for charity don’t make you a good person. My uncle is quite wealthy and gives a lot of money to charity. He’s also super racist, literally thinks Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, and doesn’t think LGBTQ people deserve any rights. So, like, good that he donates to charity, but he’s…
Nobody thinks he’s the new Hitler. We just think he’s a dumb white asshole who is casually racist and doesn’t realize his somewhat ironic engagement with white supremacy is helping turn kids into unironic white supremacists. You can say that PewDiePie’s critics lack nuance, but you’re lacking nuance in the way you…
Since he’s such a charitable person, why do his anti-Semitic fans think he’s being forced to donate to charity when it’s for the Anti-Defamation League?
Oops, I gave away the answer in the question. =/
What a chode. He’s never going to donate to any charity and just hopes everyone forgets about it.
And if your fanbase thinks you’re being FORCED to donate to charity, an action that is so outlandish to them they think it can only be performed under duress, you have a garbage fucking fanbase.
I kind of assumed this would be the case upon learning that the dungeon rooms were mostly rooms from dungeons you had completed. Without true customization of each room, you’re really just setting up a series of tasks instead of actual puzzles. Hopefully Nintendo spins this off into a standalone title with more…
“Anxiety can’t really be tricked like that, in my own personal experience.”
Exactly! If you could trick your anxiety, your anxiety wouldn’t be a problem. If you have generalized anxiety disorder, there’s no anchor for that anxiety, it just exists floating freely, attaching itself to whatever pops into your head. You…