I don’t think I can possibly roll my eyes as hard as this deserves.
I don’t think I can possibly roll my eyes as hard as this deserves.
Eh, splitting hairs by saying he technically worked at HAL. Iwata also technically worked at HAL, but then he became the first president of Nintendo from outside the Yamauchi family.
And yeah, Sakurai leaving to form Sora is what I was referring to. Nintendo contracts with Sora to make Super Smash Bros..
I have nothing against the XBox One, I’m just not spending hundreds of dollars on a new console. I don’t have a PS4 either, for the same reason. My desire for Rare Replay to be on the Switch is 100% a selfish, frugal wish on my part.
Sakurai kind of has the ideal situation right now, though. He doesn’t work for Nintendo, he works for himself and is contracted to make games for Nintendo. B)
Uh, no. I’m not buying an XBox. But since Microsoft is open to putting their games on other consoles, they should put the Rare collection on the Switch. It’d sell like gangbusters.
Just to be clear, allergies are a form of disability as well, so what American Airlines essentially did was discriminate against one man based on his disability. They essentially quarantined him in a worse area of the plain because of that disability.
I am extremely impressed by your courage in saying something so incredibly edgy.
Yeah, all this praise for Serena’s husband, but all I can think about is he is a co-creator of that awful cesspool. He has a long way to go still before I’ll forgive him for it.
It takes some gumption to look at a situation where a white Russian pro tennis player who cheated gets utterly destroyed by a black American pro tennis player, whose husband then lays on some subtle shade, and ultimately decie to blame the black American pro tennis player.
I wonder if all these assholes mocking Andrew Luck for retiring (especially Doug Gottlieb, King of Bad Takes) would have said the same thing when Sandy Koufax retired. He also retired at age 30 after struggling with persistent health issues, making the decision to preserve his body and not live the rest of his life in…
More than that, 9/11 achieved absolutely nothing positive. You can definitely make the case that the foreign policy of the US led to 9/11, but to say the US deserved it implies it was a righteous action, when it wasn’t. It only served to amplify all of America’s worst foreign policy traits, and spread even more…
Of course this dumbshit is part of TYT. It’s just provocation for the sake of it, with nothing behind it. Without an online following to fawn over them, they’d lose interest immediately. Narcissists.
So Verlander is so thin skinned he won’t talk to ANYONE from the media if a Twitter troll is present?
The Apple Card is like everything wrong with Apple in one product.
Man, good riddance. If you’ve ever adopted a racing greyhound, you know firsthand just how fucked up those dogs are. Even if the most heinous abuse stories weren’t the norm, the sport itself was fundamentally harmful to the animals.
I sympathize for the related jobs that are suddenly without work, but it was an…
Ugh, what a supremely smug comment. Make no mistake, Marhulets is using the Epic exclusivity controversy to drum up press for his game. I’ve never heard of him, his studio, or his games. And yet here’s a story about it on Kotaku. He’s very deliberately reaching out to the whiny babies that hate the Epic Store. He…
Then there’s this thing called radio that’s been around for over a century, too...
This Microsoft/Nintendo partnership had better result in the Switch getting that Rare collection.
Well, Popeyes chicken is better than Chick-Fil-A chicken, so why wouldn’t their chicken sandwich be better, too?
Oh man, me too, for sure. All of these EPIC, MASSIVE single player games that tout how they have hundreds of hours of gameplay just wear me out because I know I’ll never be able to fully enjoy them. I think that’s why I was slowly transitioning to handheld gaming for a long time, because those games tend to be…