
Onion ninjas are at it again.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in possession of good receipts is delivering a read, not shade.”

How can you write Fast and Furious X when the title is so obviously going to be Fur10us?

The power of Beth compels us, the power of Beth compels us

Your mother cites precedents in hell.

Nicki got 48hr to get in the booth. Remy snatched her soul on that track. Talked about her brother being a child molester, her booty deflate gate, even broke down her deal. Idk how she gonna recover....

Does attacking Karreuche while on probation that’s now ended, change anything for him legally? Or is all that null now because the probation is over?

  • Only exists because of Twitter.

Funny, because I wish Donald trump was fighting anti-Semitism.

These memoranda really are worst-case scenarios. Under these changes, people whose only “crime” was to be arrested for disorderly conduct will be considered an enforcement priority, even if the charges were dismissed. As much as people who oppose undocumented immigrants don’t want to admit it, our immigration

Snokes size is officially.... One Snoke high

TDIL I participate in white genocide. Sad!

Wait, can I get my White Genocide merit badge just for talking to black men? I thought I had to procreate with one.

Move to amend the bill so that any legislator who authors or votes in favor of legislation already settled by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional is knowingly and deliberately subverting the Constitution and violating his or her oath of office; therefore, the legislator, from that day forward, is deemed to have

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop