
Meanwhile I’m still reeling over Hannibal’s cancellation.

Hey you opened the door to random thread of redundant Harry Potter knowledge, now lay in said bed of grown men and women who still can’t forget a decades old YA series.

Let’s be honest..there’s no reason for anyone of any race to eat that nasty slimey greasy shit. You need to lube up your sandwich that bad? Butter.

I was with you until you got to mayo.

Indeed. Some of us just look homeless with a beard.

Same. I do have friends in WEHO, but I’m too nervous to have someone mail weed to me.

I feel personally attacked that this is not offered where I live. Sounds lit af.

I miss Kara

Good. They’re little more than Old Boys Networks that bully and harass under the name of “Brotherhood”.

Begged. Hands and knees: begged.

I envy Jazz. He managed to get out of this Garbage Fire early.

I second this. Also, as a woman with “a butt of a fuller variety”, I still assume that a man can see my butthole during doggystyle. Do I care? No. Does he care? I don’t care if he does. I’ve never had complaints either way.

I have 2 other fingers up for him.

“What house is he in again???

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

That’s when we always celebrated it.

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.


You instantly escalated to anger and aggression