
i’m really struggling to put this into terms that i truly understand, any help would be appreciated.

But I’m esp’ly curious about pay+violence

I think I found the UC’s response:

This is horrible and hilarious at the same time. They’re so fucking dumb it’s kinda funny. You know they won’t be able to organize this shit. They’ve got no hidden cameras and probably don’t know how to set that shit up anyway, they’re going to get busted trying to buy that much marijuana and go broke trying to buy

This white girl wants to show up for the free weed and liquor. After voting, of course. Think they would give me any?

I’ve said it elsewhere, and I’ll say it again here: We got Demogorgon last season. I want the monster to be either Beholder or Rust Monster-inspired this time around!

This is my hometown - and however shitty you think it is, times it by 500 and that’s how actually shitty it is. This kid is monumentally brave - there’s one high school in Gloucester County (I don’t think there are even any private high schools in the county). The willpower to stay this course is tremendous.

Posted by a good soul in the comments section last October:

But these successes make the publisher’s glaring absence of LGBT protagonists even more noticeable than ever before.

He clearly meant to leave it to Tom and just made a mistake not having it signed by a second witness. I don’t give a fuck if they legally have the rights to it; that woman especially is a cunt of the highest order implying that her uncle probably didn’t really love his partner of 55 years because of a mistake in

There’s also this...

Though I certainly understand why he chose not to, I honestly wish Biden had run- and please don’t take that as anti-Hillary, because I have a lot of faith in her. But I often think that Biden would not only wipe the floor with Trump, but do it in such an all encompassing policy and straight-talk smackdown way that

I thought I had been magically transported to the coast, but as it turns out I’m smelling your comment in all its salty goodness.

Suppression of the free press...

Now, before we all get emotional and jump to conclusions we don’t know, can’t we all just take a breath, center ourselves, and just blame Tom Brady for it?

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

Gee Cyril, I guess maybe deep down I’m afraid of ANY apex scavenger who survived the Panic of ‘82, the Unease of ‘85, the Crash of ‘86, the Recession of ‘90, the Anxiety of 2000 and the Shit Your Pants Collapse of 2007. Physically unchanged because he is the perfect blood sucking capitalist running dog. 250 pounds of

“the greatest risk is for North Carolina”

So, in other words, this guy wants to put his semen over black women. So, he has to represent his fetish in his “art”. Yeah. We pretty much see past you dude. Thanks for your contribution to the art community. We are all terribly fucking impressed. Golf clap. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.