Mountain Deux

I think I like the idea of Gorillaz more than the actual music. The animated stage personas are a cool approach. And I like bands that bend genre and experiment. This should work on me. But it doesn't. I find a lot of their songs weirdly tedious, and maybe too high-brow for their own good.

This guy made a good video about Adult Swim. It's been a slow decline since then.

I will eat the shit out of this.

"Bend the Spoon"

Val Kilmer was also supposedly in the running for Neo, but chose Red Planet instead.

Jackie is good, but Pulp Fiction is a masterpiece.

Maybe I'll give it a shot.


I've been on the fence about starting Mr. Robot. I love me some Christian Slater, but the promos kept me away. Maybe one day…

You are in for a big treat with Fargo! Excellent show.

Happy birthday, Mister!

Netflix/Amazon/Hulu/HBO GO Streaming Thread

I'm in… so long as Werner Herzog returns as a Force Ghost version of his creepy Werner Herzog character from Reacher 1.

But when will cameras start rolling on the Nick Arcade movie?

That's not a rogue potato chip under your desk, it's…

Be honest: if a Temple Guard popped out right now, you'd shit.

Agreed! We are now the only two people on earth who like it.

I'm a completist. It's a curse.

Look like First Contact is on there. My bad! But still… no Insurrection.

Aaaaand all of the Lethal Weapon movies and BTTF Trilogy? Ok, Netflix, I forgive you.