Mountain Deux

Good to see the old faces, but what about Backwards Head Baby? She coming back?

Sincerely, Great Job, Internet! Finally.


I was about to finally admit Great Job, Internet! but then I realized this is just a Coming Distraction.

Nothing can top that one lady from the Feud video: "his… tallyWHACKER!!!"

Havoc? Or Cursed?

Ashamed to say I've never seen it!

The Video Does Not Exist, Internet!

The Shape of Things: Finding Whory

He's holding out for his own spinoff: EXPENDA-BOB.

Bubbles Hemsworth? I've heard he's cheap, wink wink, nudge nudge!

I also remember flipping out when they use water pressure to bust the safe open. It was one of those moments where I was like: "SCIENCE IS COOL!"

He's coming back though, right? Marty, Al, Pesci…


Hear hear! I concur.

I remember thinking it was decent. Aw, who am I kidding, all I can remember from it is that Matt Damon cheats on a deaf girl.

I always get Hide and Seek confused with the very pervy Taking Lives for some reason. I think it's because their DVD covers had the exact same font.

Didn't he do one of those awful PG-13 horror movies from the aughts? Maybe the one with Rebecca Romijn? Am I thinking of the wrong movie?

Are we discounting The Good Shepard? I know he directed it, but his performance is passable in it.

I would've said SHOWTIME with Eddie Murphy. If you watch his facial expressions in that movie closely, you can see the light drain from his eyes.