Mountain Deux

Why stop at Generations? Give us First Contact and Insurrection, goddammit!

It's boobs, right? It's ALWAYS boobs.

Only bots can buy tickets from Ticketmaster. Who are these so-called normal people who managed to breakthrough and buy tickets and pay this sketchy fee?

I skipped the "Up" part. Can not —WILL NOT— ever watch a frame of that soul-crushing heartbreaker ever again.

Now You See Me 2 - I genuinely liked the first movie. Unfortunately, this one suffers from sequel-itis and is just not that good outside one fun set piece with a playing card and the lovely addition of Lizzy Kaplan.

Sounds good. Well, I'd think just about any new Pixar short would have to be better than "Lava." God, that one was awful.

People who saw Dory: what was the new Pixar short? And was it any good?

My wife and I just started watching Grinder. We're enjoying the shit out of it. Mind you, I know it was cancelled, and I know the end is coming soon (eight left on the DVR), and when it happens, we're gonna be sad as fuck.

This wore out its welcome quick, Internet!

Now I want to listen to the Fight the Future soundtrack. Some Better than Ezra, some early Foo…

I had no idea! Still, it's a good enough cover that I'd lump it in with their "hits."

Goodbye, sleep.

I actually enjoy their "Can't Hardly Wait" song: "I Can't Get Enough of You, Baby"

Ride or die, Helen Mirren.

My wife got me into it, she's a big murder mystery fan. Miss Fischer can be kind of annoying, but I love the saga of Hugh and Dottie.

It seems to have fallen out of favor with modern blogger critics lately. They dismiss it as a genre curiosity — which is just flat out wrong.

I think I'm just gonna add HBO GO!

DC is —I can say with a straight-face— on my list of all-timers.

It was indeed. He has a nice remembrance before the end credits roll.

More respect to whoever curates the header images for RD. You reminded me how much I like SMALL SOLDIERS and that I need to rewatch it.