Mountain Deux

can't wait for Season 2!

I loved S1, but the writing in S2 seemed to take a serious nose dive. Hated that whole season. Happy S3 seems to have them back to form.

Bloodline might be my next binge watch.

I started reading the #DisneyGatorAttack tweets and yikes… the jokes. I want to shake twitter and say "A KID DIED."

Julianne Moore's Boston accent is amazing. I love the way she offers Jack "pawt roast."

I will warn you away from The Strain. It starts strong and quickly devolves into unwieldy plotlines and silly characterizations.

You're in good company. Top Chef is the only reality/competition show I watch. Good stuff!

Netflix/Amazon/Hulu Streaming Thread

It works for ANY movie!

Better tagline:

Kinda looks like the Michelin Man's face.

Looks like a good family movie!

I like the new Star Trek movies. Sorrynotsorry.

Ghost firefighter!

Can we at least all agree that The BFG looks terrible?

It's gotten better with age! It's a solid thriller that feels like modern War of the Worlds Spielberg got drunk and mated with vintage Raiders-era Spielberg.

I second your enjoyment of Hook. The bit with them drawing their massive cellphones like six shooters is cringeworthy, but all the neverland stuff is fun. Hoffman's a great Hook!

Minority Report? C'mon. That's unfair. It's the last good Spielberg movie (not counting Tintin, which is cute as a 90 minute video game cutscene).

The mythic Bob Eucker. A legend!

I personally love the hell out of Deadwood. I'd put it in my all-timers. I wasn't a Sopranos person; Deadwood was/is my Sopranos. It had me hooked from the pilot ep and Swearengen is one of the best TV characters ever, IMO.