
In Maui, my parents rented a 4cyl Chevy Corsica. It barely made it up Haleakala Crater. The passenger door didn’t lock and we had the usual smell of cigarettes and dirty shoes. Even though it had 35000 miles on the clock, it had more wear and tear than one of my 200,000 work cars. At day 3, we took it back when the

I’m sure Putin can get him a good deal.

For christ sake, just make a fucking wagon! Will ya?

Another reason you can buy one for the same price as a carton of smokes. Right?

No flaming here!

That scared look on his face at the White House? He just realized he will have to live in government housing and take government transportation without a gold plated shitters and diamond encrusted doorknobs.

In politics, it takes a while for folks to admit they were wrong, like decades. He is a cult of personality, so he will be good with his supporters, despite his policy direction.

Jared Fogle will be Secretary of Education

1. Singer 911 - daily driver

If you are a middle of the pack driver in the Truck Series, I guess you have to find victory somehow.

If they want to keep the chase, stop calling it the season championship. A championship in racing is supposed to reward the accomplishments over the season. What they have is just a shitshow.

And they wonder why people want to go to the Tesla model of no dealership.

You had one job Hillary. Good job Democrats. Way to pick a candidate who couldn’t even beat Donald Fucking Trump.

American parents (Ford and Shelby , so it still counts as a citizen.

True, but it had American parents, so it’s all good!

We need a car that has experience in taking on the best from around the world and winning.

Of course gold would increase in value. The “government” (on trump’s orders) would be buying a shit ton of gold. The toilets, door knobs, light switches, faucets and other trim in the White House have to be gold plated to meet the new Presidential standard. A big gold “TRUMP” would need to be installed on the

No wonder there are so many mentions of pickup trucks in country music. Those F150 trucks don’t sell themselves! Right, Toby Kieth?

Tom, when will you do a follow up article to let us know what folks actually bought?

I liked misbehaving big girls long before Amy Schumer! 👌🏻